LottaNZB 0.4.95

Beta release of the upcoming LottaNZB 0.5. All the features are already there. Have a look at the 0.5 milestone for a list of new features and bug fixes.

Milestone information

Severin H
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Download files for this release

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File Description Downloads
download icon lottanzb_0.4.95-1_all.deb (md5, sig) LottaNZB 0.4.95 Ubuntu package 66
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon lottanzb-0.4.95.tar.gz (md5, sig) LottaNZB 0.4.95 source tarball 25
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 91

Release notes 

Beta release of the upcoming LottaNZB 0.5. All the features are already there. Have a look at the 0.5 milestone for a list of new features and bug fixes.


View the full changelog

- Plug-in support! In an effort to keep the default user interface clean and to
  make it easier for us to add new features to LottaNZB that some of you will
  hopefully find useful, we added a new tab to the preferences window where you
  can enable and disable plug-ins. We turned the categorization feature and
  Newzbin support into plug-ins. It's now also possible to hide the LottaNZB
  icon in the notification area.
- It's now possible to enqueue NZB files over the network. This means that you
  can add both normal NZB files and Newzbin IDs to the download queue on another
- Instant apply preferences: Like many other GNOME application, LottaNZB will
  make sure that changes in the preferences window take effect instantaneously.
- You can use the preferences window no matter what usage mode has been
  selected. This means that you can use plug-ins and change the maximum download
  speed in front-end mode as well (LP: #336306).
- Adhere to the XDG Base Directory Specification by freedesktop.org for the
  location of the configuration and download directory. This means that
  LottaNZB's configuration has been moved from ~/.lottanzb to
  ~/.config/lottanzb, while for new users, the download directory will default
  to whatever your distribution and locale settings specify. (LP: #261221,
  thanks to Hans Spaans for proposing this)
- Choose whether NZB files added to the download queue should be deleted or not.
- Pause or resume downloads directly from the notification area menu.
- Threading bug fixed that caused ghost LottaNZB instances not to exit when
  they had successfully enqueued files passed as command line arguments.
- Don't use the term "Extracting" for the post-processing state if the user has
  disabled the automatic extraction of downloads. (LP: #312981, thanks to Freddy
  Peralta for reporting this)
- LottaNZB's GUI has been ported from libglade to GtkBuilder, because libglade
  is being deprecated by the GNOME project. This means that the application
  doesn't depend on python-glade2 anymore, but requires PyGTK >= 2.12 in order
  to work.
- Internally, the GUI code has been mostly separated from the rest of the
  application code.
- Don't show the main window if LottaNZB has yet to be configured during its
  first launch. Prevent the main window from overlapping other LottaNZB dialogs.
  (LP: #312315, thanks to VuDu for reporting this)
- Don't import HellaNZB configuration files like /etc/hellanzb.conf if no
  servers have been specified in the file.
- LottaNZB's installation routine has been made ready for the Python-related
  changes in Ubuntu 9.04.
- The configuration system features better backward and forward compatibility.
- Restore the main window's position when the application is restarted.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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