Build in Linux

Created by Maxime Côté
Last updated by:
Maxime Côté

To build in a Linux environment you will need to have Qt, taglib (or libtag), SQLite and cmake install (if your not sure you have everything continue and cmake will tell you what you need)

1- Open a console and cd in the directory where you put the sources
2- Do "mkdir build" (without the quote) to make a new folder and cd in that folder
3- Do "cmake .." (without the quote) it will launch cmake who will make a make files

Now if your only a user and you want to install the player:
4- Simply do "make install" (without the quote)
5- Wait until everything is finish
6- The player is now install and you only need to do "LMusicPlayer" (without the quote) to use it

Finally if your only want to compile the code (developer)
4- Simply do "make [debug|release]" (without the quote) were you choose the version you need, debug or release
5- Wait until everything is finish
6- The executable is now in the bin folder