names of the icons for session, etc at top right

Asked by My name

How can I find out the file names of the icons lightdm-gtk-greeter puts in the upper right corner? That is to say, the "indicator" buttons, particularly ~session, ~a11y, and ~power? If I knew the filenames it's looking for, I can find them in the theme folder and change the icons. Or better yet, is there a way I could make it use text labels there instead of buttons?

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English Edit question
LightDM GTK Greeter Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Andrew P.
Last query:
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Revision history for this message
Best Andrew P. (kalgasnik) said :

    "preferences-desktop-accessibility-symbolic" (or "preferences-desktop")
    "system-shutdown-symbolic" (or "system-shutdown")
    Icon named "%s_badge-symbolic" where "%s" - session name ("xfce_badge-symbolic" for xfce or "gnome-shell_badge-symbolic" for gnome-shell). "document-properties-symbolic" used as fallback value.

There is no option to use labels instead of icons.

Revision history for this message
My name (plmalternate) said :

Thanks Andrew P., that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
My name (plmalternate) said :

Cool. Thank you, sir.