libpqxx 3.0.3

Milestone information

Jeroen T. Vermeulen
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download icon libpqxx-3.0.3.tar.gz (md5) libpqxx 3.0.3 15
last downloaded 48 weeks ago
Total downloads: 15

Release notes 

Most of the changes are for compatibility with newer compilers, C++11, and different operating systems.

The updates also include support for the REPEATABLE READ isolation level. This is the new name for the old SERIALIZABLE level. Newer PostgreSQL backends have a new, fully standards-compliant implementation for SERIALIZABLE. If your binary uses the old SERIALIZABLE isolation level and you re-link it to a newer libpqxx, without recompiling, it will get REPEATABLE READ on newer backends; behaviour will be identical to what the application was originally written for. Or if you recompile the program against a newer libpqxx, it will get the new fully-compliant SERIALIZABLE isolation.


View the full changelog

 - Support for REPEATABLE READ isolation level.
 - No longer enables -Werror on gcc when not building in maintainer mode.
 - Build problem with RedHat 5 and CentOS 5 is now a warning, not an error.
 - Build fixes for clang++ 3.0.
 - Build fixes for g++ 4.7.
 - Build fix for BSD (and possibly other grep flavours).

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