How do I install libecbufr?

Created by Yves Pelletier
installation packaging
Last updated by:
Yves Pelletier

libecbufr is distributed as a binary debian package (produced on Debian and Ubuntu). Installing the package should be straightforward, using the Debian-style package manager you like best. Be on the lookout for error messages and broken dependencies. If all goes well you should find the library and utilities in /usr/lib and /usr/bin.

If you wish to compile the source code, you will need the GNU toolchain, which is available for most Unix-like environments today. Aside from the basic GNU binary utilities, you will need to install libtool and automake. The documentation package requires "doxygen". More details here:

To install from debian packages:

1. Download the most appropriate package for your system. Currently only .deb files are available.

2. Install via "dpkg -i"

To compile:

1. Download the source code from Launchpad using bzr (e.g. "bzr branch lp:libecbufr"); change to the "libecbufr" directory.

2. Type "./reconf" and return. This will call the necessary automake and libtool commands to adapt the package to your system.

3. Type "./configure" and return. This will detect system parameters and create the makefiles.

4. Type "make" to trigger compilation of the library and utilities, and to generate the documentation.

5. As the superuser, type make install. This will install the library, executables, and documentation in the system directories.

6. To build a Debian package, type "make pkg". This will (hopefully) create a Debian package.