Integrate existing mailing list into LoCo

Asked by Travis Newman

Before you could request a mailing list through launchpad, I set up this:

Now, I'd like to have that in the launchpad page for ~virginiateam, but there's nothing but requesting a NEW one. Is there any way to make this work?

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Barry Warsaw Edit question
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Deferring this question to Barry, since I don't know if we currently support archive importing from our native mailman lists.
Revision history for this message
Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson) said :


The policy currently in place is for LoCo mailing lists to be on for now. I'll forward this request to Jorge Castro who may be able to comment in more depth.

Revision history for this message
Travis Newman (tnewman) said :

It is already on It's <email address hidden>.

The issue is that I set it up long ago, before you requested them in launchpad. I was under the impression that once you had signed up for the mailing list through launchpad there was some sort of integration so that people who joined the group were entered into the mailing list automagically. That's what I'd like to accomplish.

Revision history for this message
Jorge Castro (jorge) said :

Unfortunately there is no way to do this automatically at this time.

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