How to link "trunk" to multiple different branches?

Asked by Justin Clift


My project has a "trunk" in Subversion ( that is 3 separate modules:

  + salasaga_ide
  + salasaga_screencapture
  + salasaga_keycapture

The problem I'm having is that the "Code" part of Launchpad only seems capable of understanding a "trunk" series made up of one module at a time.

When I go to the Code part of Launchpad, select the trunk series, then attempt to "Link to branch", whatever I select *replaces* the existing link rather than just adding a new one.

What should I do to make it work properly?

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Launchpad itself Edit question
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Solved by:
Justin Clift
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Revision history for this message
Tim Penhey (thumper) said :

There are two ways you can do this:

1) Register a series for each of IDE, screencapture and keycapture, and set a branch for each of these series.
One of these series would have to be "development" series (probably the ide).

This would give you branch locations like: lp:salasaga/ide, lp:salasaga/screencapture, lp:salasaga/keycapture, and maybe lp:salasaga is also the ide branch.

Or you could register a project group, and have each component as a separate project under the project group.

The reason that there is one and only one branch associated with a series is so we can go lp:salasaga and get one branch.

Revision history for this message
Christian Reis (kiko) said :

And if they are separate codebases, it's best that they be modeled as separate products. I'd be happy to create a project group to collect them.

Revision history for this message
Justin Clift (justinclift) said :

Hi, I'm not familiar enough with the way that Launchpad does things to really know the best way to proceed.

I consider all of the above subversion modules to be one unit. When a new release is made, it's only when they're all ready to be released together.

The reason for them being in separate modules is because they've grown organically from just the first (i.e. additional executables became required), and also because that's the only way I knew how to do things with Eclipse.

I've thought about it some more, and as we're using Subversion now rather than CVS, plus we've also recently moved to automake, it's probably not too complicated for me to do some directory restructuring and put them all into one module.

But, I'll have to do some testing with Eclipse first, to make sure it works well with multiple executables ("artifacts") coming out of one source tree. :)

Revision history for this message
Justin Clift (justinclift) said :

BTW - Is there some kind of doco on how to create a new series?

The first series was registered more by accident than anything else, as I was exploring Launchpad's capabilities.

I went looking for a way to create more series the other day, but didn't manage to find out how. :( Even went looking through the Launchpad Help area and some Answers, but no luck.

Revision history for this message
Tim Penhey (thumper) said :

On Sunday 03 August 2008 20:49:46 Justin Clift wrote:
> Question #40386 on Launchpad Bazaar Integration changed:
> Justin Clift gave more information on the question:
> BTW - Is there some kind of doco on how to create a new series?
> The first series was registered more by accident than anything else, as
> I was exploring Launchpad's capabilities.
> I went looking for a way to create more series the other day, but didn't
> manage to find out how. :( Even went looking through the Launchpad Help
> area and some Answers, but no luck.

In the new user interface it is on the project home page at the end of the list
of series.

It has a plus icon, followed by "Register a series" (+addseries if url hacking).

Revision history for this message
Justin Clift (justinclift) said :

Cool, thanks.

Um, link to doco?

Revision history for this message
Matthew Revell (matthew.revell) said :

Hi Justin,

Here's our doc on Releases, series and milestones:

Revision history for this message
Christian Reis (kiko) said :

I wonder if Justin is recommending we added a screenshot to our documentation. Or if we are missing a link to on the Launchpad site itself? :-)