Can you please re-link my SSO account to the right LP account ?

Asked by Numérigraphe

When try to log into LP using my own SSO account "lionel-sausin", I end up connected as the LP account "numerigraphe" instead.
That may be because of Bug #637968 : the favorite email of my personal account was also a secondary email of numerigraphe's.
So I'm afraid my personnal SSO account is now linked to the wrong LP account.
I've removed the conflicting email from both "numerigraphe"'s LP account and SSO account, and from "lionel-sausin"'s SSO account. (but not from LP of course).

Would someone from the support please be kind enough to fix this?

Thanks in advance,
Lionel Sausin.

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Solved by:
William Grant
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Revision history for this message
Best William Grant (wgrant) said :

I've reset ~numerigraphe's OpenID identifiers. When you next log into LP it will determine the account to log you into by email address, so make sure your SSO preferred address matches any of ~lionel-sausin's addresses. As of a few months ago the email-based linking occurs only when the SSO account has been unlinked from its corresponding LP account, so once you've logged in correctly it should stay fixed regardless of what happens with the email addresses.

Revision history for this message
Numérigraphe (numerigraphe) said :

Thanks William Grant, that solved my question.