Comments per line per commit like github

Asked by niels

The playframework switched from launchpad/bzr to github/git. The reason was the better community-integraion with github. So I had to change too. While git is a real pain, github is a pleasure. It have an excellent rss-support, so that I always be notified about all changes on code or progresses in bugs. This is the first thing I'm missing at launchpad.

The second is, that I can make comments to every commit. I can comment a single line or the whole commit. This works not only on merge-request, it works on every commit. I don't find any comparable at launchpad.

So I'm I doubt which platform I should choose for my projects. Integrate the community is an important thing, so github is a really good reference. On the other hand bzr is better than git. Can you give me some information about plans for the future? It would be really bad if bzr loose the battle about the best hosting platform, after IDE-support which is better in git and hg.


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Revision history for this message
Jelmer Vernooij (jelmer) said :

Hi Nielsm

First of all, thanks for your feedback. :-)

We agree that Launchpad's subscription model could use a lot of improvement, and this is one of the things on our current roadmap:

There is an existing bug report about commenting on specific lines. I'll link to this question to that bug and would encourage you to let us know on that bug that it is something that affects you.

Revision history for this message
niels (opensource21) said :

Thanks for the hint to the bugreport. I added there a comment which makes clear that for normal commits there should be a comment function.

On the roadmap I'm missing some more concrete information when I can get the new features. In Ubuntu there was fix release dates. Here I have no idea if my wishes become reality this year.
