My dput upload hangs with 1k to go!

Created by Julian Edwards
dput ftp hang upload
Last updated by:
Julian Edwards

Sometimes a regular ftp upload using dput seems to hang with 1k left to upload. This has happened with 2 separate FTP server implementations in Launchpad so we are left to conclude that it is a problem outside of Launchpad, possibly a router bug.

You can work around it by uploading with SFTP. You need to make sure your SSH public key part is registered in your Launchpad account. Then, add the following lines to ~/

fqdn =
method = sftp
incoming = ~%(ppa-sftp)s/ubuntu

(replacing $MY_LAUNCHPAD_ID with your own ID)

Finally, you can run this command to upload to your PPA:

dput ppa-sftp:$MY_LAUNCHPAD_ID something.changes

(again replacing parameters as necessary)