Comment 2 for bug 225131

Revision history for this message
Celso Providelo (cprov) wrote :


ACK, this bug hits you hard on mass-copy operations. While we don't come with a solution for this you could try to use the launchpad API for copying multiple sources.

    ubuntu = launchpad.distributions['ubuntu']
    distroseries_name = 'intrepid'
    from_archive = launchpad.people[<from_ppa_ownername>].archive
    to_archive = launchpad.people[<to_ppa_ownername>].archive

    print 'Copying from %s in %s to %s' % (
        distroseries_name, from_archive.title, to_archive.title)

    copy_result = to_archive.syncSources(
        source_names=[<sourcename_one>, ...],

    print copy_result

I will copy the latest version of the sources listed from one PPA to another. Check the launchpad API docs at It might help you to automate some of the work as well.

We sincerely apologize for the trouble this is issue is causing.