Comment 9 for bug 1562249

Revision history for this message
Robin (robinrego) wrote : Re: node 'failed deployment' during openstack install

I am able to SSH into the node that shows 'failed deployment' Please let me know if there is any information you need from that machine that might help.

Here us the output of block-devices from maas UI:

HpRS1.maas 00-maas-07-block-devices.out

  "BLOCK_SIZE": "4096",
  "NAME": "sda",
  "ID_PATH": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x3000000100000001",
  "PATH": "/dev/sda",
  "ROTA": "1",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "1",
  "SERIAL": "3000000100000001",
  "SIZE": "1468006400"
  "BLOCK_SIZE": "4096",
  "NAME": "cciss!c0d0",
  "ID_PATH": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600508b100184439535350395850003d",
  "PATH": "/dev/cciss/c0d0",
  "ROTA": "1",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "SERIAL": "600508b100184439535350395850003d",
  "SIZE": "36414750720"
  "BLOCK_SIZE": "4096",
  "NAME": "cciss!c0d1",
  "ID_PATH": "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600508b100184439535350395850003e",
  "PATH": "/dev/cciss/c0d1",
  "ROTA": "1",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "SERIAL": "600508b100184439535350395850003e",
  "SIZE": "36414750720"

Here is output of: CAT/PROC/PARTITIONS form the failing machine

ubuntu@HpRS1:~$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name

  11 0 1048575 sr0
 104 0 35561280 cciss/c0d0
 104 1 29334528 cciss/c0d0p1
 104 2 1 cciss/c0d0p2
 104 5 6223872 cciss/c0d0p5
 104 16 35561280 cciss/c0d1
   8 0 1433600 sda

Here is output of : FIND/SYS/BLOCK/ from the failing machine.

ubuntu@HpRS1:~$ find /sys/block/

and output of LSBLK from the failing node

ubuntu@HpRS1:~$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 1.4G 1 disk /media/root-ro
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
cciss!c0d0 104:0 0 33.9G 0 disk
├─cciss!c0d0p1 104:1 0 28G 0 part
├─cciss!c0d0p2 104:2 0 1K 0 part
└─cciss!c0d0p5 104:5 0 6G 0 part
cciss!c0d1 104:16 0 33.9G 0 disk

In all the above .. there is an 'sda' virtual drive or something which maybe causing the c0d0 and c0d1 to not get detected.

If this is the case .. please suggest a workaround or solution.