Having More Than One Version Of Krita

Created by Dmitry Kazakov

Having More Than One Version Of Krita

This is a slight extension of the default build system. Instead of having:


You have


You get the extra source directory with git-new-workdir after getting the calligra source:

git-new-workdir calligra 2.8
cd 2.8
git checkout calligra/2.8
cd calligra
git checkout master

Make the



Use this script to easily switch, call it changeto:


if test -z "$arg"; then exit 1; fi

rm $HOME/kde/inst
ln -s $HOME/kde/$arg $HOME/kde/inst

Switch like this:

changeto master

changeto 2.8

if master is active, build and install as usual, if 2.8 is active, go to $HOME/kde/build/2.8 and build and install as usual.

If you only keep in mind not to install master into the 2.8 install directory and the other way around, life will be sweet and easy.

This works for every branch, of course!