The Default Line Width in the Line Segment Properties ('E' on selected line) of PCBNew seems to be missing from 5.1.0.

Asked by Bryan Malley

The Default Line Width in the Line Segment Properties ('E' on selected line) of PCBNew seems to be missing from 5.1.0. I used this feature a lot! Would love to know if it was on purpose or if it can be added back? (pic of properties window in 5.1.0 without the Default Line Width option.)

Thank you

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Wayne Stambaugh (stambaughw) said :

You can still set the default width in the board setup dialog. I'm not sure why the this was removed from the properties dialog other than it isn't really a property of the object being edited. I don't know if makes sense to add it back because we now have separate default line width settings for silk screen layers, board outline layer, and all other layers.

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Bryan Malley (retoid) said :

Dang, that's a a big time bummer for me. This will prevent me from updating Kicad in the future unless it ever gets replaced.
As I mentioned above, I am constantly changing the line widths. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to force an user to set multiple default line widths depending on which layer they are on. And if it needs to be changed, it's like 5 or 6 clicks away, rather than the previous 1 or 2 clicks away.
This really bums me out and puts a huge hindrance on workflow.
Would it be difficult to add that feature back in where it just re-writes your default line thickness for the layer you are currently on?

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Wayne Stambaugh (stambaughw) said :

Your logic makes sense to me. I didn't remove this from the dialog but I just added the lead development team to the list of people who get the questions so maybe the person who changed this can shed some more light on the decision to remove it. Would remembering the last line width be a workable solution rather the constantly updating the default line width?

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Bryan Malley (retoid) said :

Thank you very much.
If I understand you correctly, yes that should work. If I am on the F. Silk layer for example and set my default line thickness to 0.3mm I don't mind if it resets the default thickness for that layer so long as I can still quickly edit that default thickness again quickly like in the previous version in Line Segment Properties (from hovering over a line and clicking 'E'). That is pretty much how it worked before, only I don't think it was layer specific. I don't mind the layer specific widths, so long as there is a quick way to edit the default line width on that layer.

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John Beard (john-j-beard) said :

I didn't remove it, but for reference the "Edit Text and Graphic Properties" dialog has an option to use the layer defaults, but it does not allow you to update the default values themselves, it just shows them in a grid.

I think for the dedicated line segment editor, a "full" solution might be:

* Start with the layer default
* Remember last used width (per layer?) (so sequentially drawn lines on a layer are the same)
* Have a "reset to layer default" button
* Have an "update layer default" button

Not being able to multiply edit segments would also be super handy!

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Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.