how to use "set origin point for the grid"

Asked by sugeng anto

I'm using module editor. How to use "set origin point for the grid" toolbar? I just use it an gives me grey cross, but the value dx, dy, and d is still not changed. It same as X and Y value. I think this toolbar will change dx and dy relative to grey cross center point instead of real center point.

Application: Pcbnew
Version: (2012-nov-02)-testing
Build: wxWidgets 2.9.3 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,GCC 4.7.2,wx containers,compatible with 2.8)
Platform: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW
Boost version: 1.49.0

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Claudio Mignanti (claudyus) said :

the "set origin point for the grid" is used as origin in gerbers and drill output.

The sheet origin is always the top-left corner of the page but you can use the space bar to set a relative origins.
I'm using kicad from a while now and I this is what I know about kicad origins atm.

Revision history for this message
szymon (szymon123) said :

Maybe this is what people needs, there is bug which is 2 years old (593877). I added it to this question.

Revision history for this message
sugeng anto (anthos1984) said :

I think that toolbar is for adjusting grid. But this function is rarely to be used.
The relative origin is mainly used for footprint creation, so this is important. But it only accessible through shortcut [SPACE].
So people doesn't know this feature unless memorizing shortcut.

So it must also available using menu or toolbar.

Actually, good software must provide menu (either by menu itself or opening dialog) for every feature it has. Toolbar button for easy access for feature which often used (some drawing menu, zoom, ) or important feature which can be forgotten (DRC, ERC, CVPCB, netlist, BOM, lib browser).

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szymon (szymon123) said :

As far I know, feature hidden under shortcut [SPACE] does not move grid, only move reference point for distance measure on the status bar.

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Fredrik Atmer (fredrikatmer) said :

Setting the relative coordinate origin by pressing space is something else than the grid origin.

Setting the grid origin to (1mm,1mm) and a grid of 5mm gives a grid of 5mm squares offset by 1mm relative to the absolute coordinates. The niftyness of this feature eluded me for a long time. It often needs to be used in addition to using relative coordinates (space).

Example: You need to put something relative to a specific coordinate. Say you placed the corner of your PCB at (25,25) in mm's and you want to place components on an inch grid. Setting the grid to something in inches (without changing the origin) you will lose the (25,25) reference point.

In my opinion it should be possible to set the origin of the absolute coordinates. (Or equivalent set the origin of the page borders and decorations). Using the absolute origin as a reference is a bit awkward as the page decorations get in the way. And changing the grid origin you need to use the relative coordinates as absolute coordinates, losing one set of coordinates...

You can change the grid origin in the "Dimensions-Grid" menu as well as using the hotkey.

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