Comment 4 for bug 1851501

Revision history for this message
Nimo (nimo-labs) wrote :

@Tomasz I do use it as cloud storage effectively, though the version control and tagging come in very handy as well. Items such as merges/rebases/ pull requests are probably beyond anything that I would like to do with Git and Kicad, however there is already a visual diff program for schematics.

There is alot of information regarding Git and Kicad (including the visual diff tool) here: Additionally I maybe wrong, however I believe Github provide a kicad .gitignore by default as well now.

@Nick, I've not come across action plugins? They sound of interest though, especially if you can add icons to the main kicad project screen toolbar. Do you have a link to an example by any chance?

@Wayne, my apologies if it is a duplicate, I must admit I searched for Git and not wider terms such as VCS.