Comment 22 for bug 1825532

Revision history for this message
Jon Evans (craftyjon) wrote :

Hi Hildo,

Sorry for the delay getting back to you, I was discussing this issue with some other developers.

The main issue with your design "" is that you use commas instead of spaces to separate items in bus groups. The code requires that your nets be separated by spaces.

For example, you need `{CANRX-A CANTX-A}` instead of `{CANRX-A,CANTX-A}`

We discussed also allowing commas, but realized that it would not be possible to do easily without banning commas from net names, and we cannot ban commas from net names since some countries use commas as decimal separator and give nets names like `+1,2V`

I will be adding ERC warnings to point out when it looks like a bus definition is wrong in this way, so it should be more clear in the future.

I think if you change all your bus definitions to use spaces instead of commas, your design works. Please let me know if you see any further problems.