juju-core 1.26-alpha3

Milestone information

Curtis Hovey
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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1 Anastasia, 2 Andrew McDermott, 4 Andrew Wilkins, 4 Cheryl Jennings, 1 Chris Johnston, 6 Dave Cheney, 1 Dimiter Naydenov, 2 Eric Snow, 5 Ian Booth, 1 James Tunnicliffe, 1 Jesse Meek, 1 John A Meinel, 1 Menno Finlay-Smits, 3 Sergey Matyukevich
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
35 Fix Released

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download icon juju-1.26-alpha3-centos7.tar.gz (md5, sig) Centos juju commands tarball 11
last downloaded 9 days ago
download icon juju-1.26-alpha3-osx.tar.gz (md5, sig) OS X juju commands tarball 9
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
download icon juju-setup-1.26-alpha3.exe (md5, sig) Windows installer for the juju client 10
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
download icon juju-core_1.26-alpha3.tar.gz (md5, sig) Juju-core release 20
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
Total downloads: 50

Release notes 

# juju-core 1.26-alpha3

A new development release of Juju, juju-core 1.26-alpha3, is now available.
This release replaces version 1.26-alpha2.

## Getting Juju

juju-core 1.26-alpha3 is available for Wily and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:


Windows, Centos, and OS X users will find installers at:


Development releases use the "devel" simple-streams. You must configure
the `agent-stream` option in your environments.yaml to use the matching
juju agents.

Upgrading from stable releases to development releases is not
supported. You can upgrade test environments to development releases
to test new features and fixes, but it is not advised to upgrade
production environments to 1.26-alpha3.

## Notable Changes

  * New Support for Rackspace
  * Multi Series Charms
  * Improved local charm deployment
  * Centos and Windows Image Streams
  * Azure provider changes

### New Support for Rackspace

A new provider has been added that supports hosting a Juju environment
in Rackspace Public Cloud As Rackspace Cloud is based on OpenStack,
Rackspace provider internally uses OpenStack provider, and most of the
features and configuration options for those two providers are

The basic config options in your environments.yaml will look like this:

        type: rackspace
        tenant-name: <your tenant name>
        region: <IAD, DFW, ORD, LON, HKG, or SYD>
        auth-mode: <userpass or keypair>
        username: <your username>
        password: <secret>
        # access-key: <secret>
        # secret-key: <secret>

The values in angle brackets need to be replaced with your rackspace

'tenant-name' must contain the rackspace Account Number. 'region' must
contain rackspace region (IAD, DFW, ORD, LON, HKG, SYD). 'auth-mode'
parameter can contain either 'userpass' or 'keypair'. This parameter
distinguish the authentication mode that provider will use. If you use
'userpass' mode you must also provide 'username' and 'password'
parameters. If you use 'keypair' mode 'access-key' and 'secret-key'
parameters must be provided.

### Multi Series Charms

Charms now have the capability to declare that they support more than one
series. Previously a separate copy of the charm was required for each
series. An important constraint here is that for a given charm, all of the
listed series must be for the same distro/OS; it is not allowed to offer a
single charm for Ubuntu and CentOS for example. Supported series are added
to charm metadata as follows:

    name: mycharm
    summary: "Great software"
    description: It works
    maintainer: Some One <some.one@example.com>
       - databases
       - precise
       - trusty
       - wily
         interface: pgsql
         interface: syslog

The default series is the first in the list:

    juju deploy mycharm

will deploy a mycharm service running on precise.

A different, non-default series may be specified:

    juju deploy mycharm --series trusty

It is possible to force the charm to deploy using an unsupported series
(so long as the underlying OS is compatible):

    juju deploy mycharm --series xenial --force


    juju add-machine --series xenial
    Machine 1 added.
    juju deploy mycharm --to 1 --force

--force is required in the above deploy command because the target machine
is running Xenial which is not supported by the charm.

The force option may also be required when upgrading charms. Consider
the case where a service is initially deployed with a charm supporting
Precise and Trusty. A new version of the charm is published which only
supports Trusty and Xenial. For services deployed on precise, upgrading
to the newer charm revision is allowed, but only using force (note the
use of --force-series since upgrade-charm also supports --force-units):

    juju upgrade-charm mycharm --force-series

### Improved local charm deployment

Local charms can be deployed directly from their source directory
without having to set up a pre-determined local repository file
structure. This feature makes it more convenient to hack on a charm and
just deploy it, and it also necessary to develop local charms
supporting multi series.

Assuming a local charm exists in directory /home/user/charms/mycharm :

    juju deploy ~/charms/mycharm

will deploy the charm using the default series.

    juju deploy ~/charms/mycharm --series trusty

will deploy the charm using trusty.

Note that it is no longer necessary to define a JUJU_REPOSITORY nor locate
the charms in a directory named after a series. Any directory structure can
be used, including simply pulling the charm source from a VCS, hacking on
the code, and deploying directly from the local repo.

### Centos and Windows Image Streams

A new simplestreams search path is supported when looking up the id of
images to run. As well as searching published Ubuntu images found on
http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com, Windows and Centos image metadata will be
published to https://streams.canonical.com/juju/images. This will allow
Windows and Centos workloads to be deployed to AWS and other supported

### Azure provider changes

The new Azure provider announced in 1.26-alpha2 was updated in
response to your feedback. The 'application-key' in the config was
renamed to 'application-password'.

To use the new Azure support, you need the following configuration in

    type: azure
    application-id: <Azure-AD-application-ID>
    application-password: <Azure-AD-application-password>
    subscription-id: <Azure-account-subscription-ID>
    tenant-id: <Azure-AD-tenant-ID>
    location: westus # or any other Azure location

To obtain these values, it is recommended that you use the Azure CLI:

You will need to create an "application" in Azure Active Directory for
Juju to use, per the following documentation:
(NOTE: you should assign the role "Owner", not "Reader", to the

Take a note of the "Application Id" output when issuing "azure ad app
create". This is the value that you must use in the 'application-id'
configuration for Juju. The password you specify is the value to use in

To obtain your subscription ID, you can use "azure account list" to list
your account subscriptions and their IDs. To obtain your tenant ID, you
should use "azure account show", passing in the ID of the account
subscription you will use.

You may need to register some resources using the azure CLI when updating an
existing Azure account:

    azure provider register Microsoft.Compute
    azure provider register Microsoft.Network
    azure provider register Microsoft.Storage

## Known Issues

ARM-HF clients and agents are not available Precise, Trusty and Vivid.
Clients and agents are available for Wily.

## Resolved issues

  * Bootstrap with the vsphere provider fails to log into the virtual
    Lp 1511138

  * Using maas 1.9 as provider using dhcp nic will prevent juju
    Lp 1512371

  * Add-machine with vsphere triggers machine-0: panic: juju home
    hasn't been initialized
    Lp 1513492

  * 'debug-log' fails when logs are large when using db-log
    Lp 1524135

  * Upgrade-juju shows available tools and best version but did not
    output what it decided to do
    Lp 1403655

  * Invalid binary version, version "1.23.3--amd64" or "1.23.3--armhf"
    Lp 1459033

  * Output from metadata generate-image looks bad
    Lp 1489215

  * Addresses logged by apiaddressupdater aren't accurate
    Lp 1497098

  * Session closed in data source
    Lp 1497829

  * 'juju environments' fails due to missing ~/.juju/current-
    Lp 1506680

  * Juju can't find daily image streams from cloud-
    Lp 1513982

  * Juju 1.25 misconfigures juju-br0 when using maas 1.9 bonded
    Lp 1516891

  * Lxd cannot bootstrap with image streams
    Lp 1519027

  * Support centos and windows image metadata
    Lp 1523693

  * Deploy incompatible charm using --to should error earlier
    Lp 1524527

  * Deploy charm with --series --force doesn't reject invalid os
    Lp 1526296

  * Juju should check common failure conditions before upgrading
    Lp 1521354


We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at
juju-dev@lists.canonical.com, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 35 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1511138 #1511138 Bootstrap with the vSphere provider fails to log into the virtual machine 2 Critical Sergey Matyukevich  10 Fix Released
1512371 #1512371 Using MAAS 1.9 as provider using DHCP NIC will prevent juju bootstrap 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1513492 #1513492 add-machine with vsphere triggers machine-0: panic: juju home hasn't been initialized 2 Critical Sergey Matyukevich  10 Fix Released
1524135 #1524135 'debug-log' fails when logs are large when using db-log 2 Critical John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1524906 #1524906 ToolsMetadataSuite fails with 2.0-alpha1 version 2 Critical Cheryl Jennings  10 Fix Released
1524914 #1524914 envManagerSuite.TestCreateEnvironmentBadAgentVersion fails with 2.0-alpha1 2 Critical Cheryl Jennings  10 Fix Released
1524915 #1524915 toolsSuite.TestFindToolsNotFound panics with 2.0-alpha1 2 Critical Cheryl Jennings  10 Fix Released
1524958 #1524958 cloudinitSuite.TestCloudInit broken on windows by new key rules 2 Critical Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1526003 #1526003 Data race in undertaker 2 Critical Jesse Meek  10 Fix Released
1403655 #1403655 upgrade-juju shows available tools and best version but did not output what it decided to do 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1459033 #1459033 Invalid binary version, version "1.23.3--amd64" or "1.23.3--armhf" 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1489215 #1489215 Output from metadata generate-image looks bad 3 High Chris Johnston  10 Fix Released
1497098 #1497098 Addresses logged by apiaddressupdater aren't accurate 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1497229 #1497229 apiserver: TestAgentConnectionsShutDownWhenStateDies is very slow 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1497807 #1497807 worker/rsyslog: data race 3 High Dave Cheney  10 Fix Released
1497829 #1497829 session closed in data source 3 High Anastasia  10 Fix Released
1506680 #1506680 `juju environments` fails due to missing ~/.juju/current-environment 3 High   10 Fix Released
1513982 #1513982 Juju can't find daily image streams from cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily 3 High Sergey Matyukevich  10 Fix Released
1516891 #1516891 juju 1.25 misconfigures juju-br0 when using MAAS 1.9 bonded interface 3 High Andrew McDermott  10 Fix Released
1517743 #1517743 api: more data races 3 High Dave Cheney  10 Fix Released
1517744 #1517744 cmd/jujud/agent: more data races 3 High Dave Cheney  10 Fix Released
1519027 #1519027 lxd cannot bootstrap with image streams 3 High Eric Snow  10 Fix Released
1519061 #1519061 payload/persistence intermittent failure 3 High Eric Snow  10 Fix Released
1519097 #1519097 juju/utils/fslock: data race caused by createAliveFile running twice 3 High James Tunnicliffe  10 Fix Released
1520199 #1520199 provider/maas: better handling of devices claim-sticky-ip-address failures and absence of reserved IP address 3 High Dimiter Naydenov  10 Fix Released
1522001 #1522001 worker/instancepoller: intermittent data race 3 High Dave Cheney  10 Fix Released
1522861 #1522861 Panic in CleanupOldMetrics 3 High Cheryl Jennings  10 Fix Released
1523693 #1523693 Support centos and windows image metadata 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1524527 #1524527 deploy incompatible charm using --to should error earlier 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1526296 #1526296 deploy charm with --series --force doesn't reject invalid OS 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1516036 #1516036 provider/maas: test failure because of test isolation failure 4 Medium Andrew McDermott  10 Fix Released
1516498 #1516498 api/unitassigner: data race 4 Medium Dave Cheney  10 Fix Released
1519145 #1519145 worker/machiner: data race 4 Medium Dave Cheney  10 Fix Released
1521354 #1521354 juju should check common failure conditions before upgrading 4 Medium Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1521446 #1521446 featuretests: failure on windows due to ill informed symlink 4 Medium Menno Finlay-Smits  10 Fix Released
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