Comment 13 for bug 1480310

Revision history for this message
Ryan Beisner (1chb1n) wrote :

On Jul 28, uosci was able to deploy Wily @ Juju 1.24.2. Granted, that was with older Wily images and perhaps older systemd, so it may or may not be helpful information at this point.

Here is that successful amulet test output from the trusty/ubuntu charm, which exercises all currently-supported Ubuntu releases (+ current dev Ubuntu release):

I think it may be of interest to begin cycling the trusty/ubuntu charm's amulet test in Juju CI as an easy way to do a really basic and quick functional check. ie. grab lp:charms/trusty/ubuntu, then make functional_test.

The tests are maintained and validated as Ubuntu releases come and go. Note that tests are only added and enabled for Ubuntu dev versions after confirming that they pass for that version.

The Ubuntu charm is, and is intended to be, a minimal hookless nothing. That makes it attractive for inexpensive general validation of test automation, environments, tooling and such (which is uosci's specific interest in it). That could also make it attractive for testing Ubuntu releases vs. Juju releases.