how to read svg file in inkscape

Asked by pareshchaudhary

i want to read svg file from my custom coding child vise. which function used for svg file reading

Let me know ..

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su_v (suv-lp) said :

Could you try to explain differently? It's unclear to me what your question actually is about.

Do you want to read the plain source code (XML, SVG) of the current file within Inkscape? (not possible)
Or do you want to paste SVG code snippets to create new objects? (not possible)
Or do you want to import an SVG file? ('File > Import')
Or do you want to access the XML code directly, from within Inkscape? ('Edit > XML Editor')
Or … ?

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su_v (suv-lp) said :

Sorry, I missed to recognize your name from earlier questions.

Please ask such coding-related questions on the inkscape-devel mailing list - only few of any of the active developers regularly check the new questions asked in the 'Answers' section at Launchpad (usually the questions here are about support for using inkscape, not for support for fellow developers modifying the source code).

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pareshchaudhary (chaudharyparesh1986) said :

want to add one more facility in svg file that i mention in below

I have add the one custom dialog in inkscape . In that i provide the on radio button that we mention the object priority

Now my svg file save like
    inkscape:label="Layer 1"
      d="M 77.14286,498.07648 L 368.57142,498.07648 L 368.57142,692.3622 L 77.14286,692.3622 z"
      Priority="4" />
      d="M 477.14285,615.2193 L 620,615.2193 L 620,749.50502 L 477.14285,749.50502 z"
      Priority="1" />

Now i want to save svg file in ascending order , ascending operation in Priority value , After ascending svg file i want to save file like that i mention below
      d="M 477.14285,615.2193 L 620,615.2193 L 620,749.50502 L 477.14285,749.50502 z"
      Priority="1" />
      d="M 77.14286,498.07648 L 368.57142,498.07648 L 368.57142,692.3622 L 77.14286,692.3622 z"
      Priority="4" />

For that i write custom code when user select Object Path .In "sp_item_list_to_curves" function i do ascending operation in Priority value . after that i can get the Priority values in ascending order ..
But when i save the file in svg format i can't get output what i want actually..!!

Can you help with this problem?

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