How to save svg file In ascending order ...!!

Asked by pareshchaudhary

Hi ,

i want to add one more facility in svg file that i mention in below

I have add the one custom dialog in inkscape . In that i provide the on radio button that we mention the object priority

Now my svg file save like
     inkscape:label="Layer 1"
       d="M 77.14286,498.07648 L 368.57142,498.07648 L 368.57142,692.3622 L 77.14286,692.3622 z"
       Priority="4" />
       d="M 477.14285,615.2193 L 620,615.2193 L 620,749.50502 L 477.14285,749.50502 z"
       Priority="1" />

Now i want to save svg file in ascending order , ascending operation in Priority value , After ascending svg file i want to save file like that i mention below
       d="M 477.14285,615.2193 L 620,615.2193 L 620,749.50502 L 477.14285,749.50502 z"
       Priority="1" />
       d="M 77.14286,498.07648 L 368.57142,498.07648 L 368.57142,692.3622 L 77.14286,692.3622 z"
       Priority="4" />

For that i write custom code when user select Object Path .In "sp_item_list_to_curves" function i do ascending operation in Priority value . after that i can get the Priority values in ascending order ..
But when i save the file in svg format i can't get output what i want actually..!!

Have an any idea..!!

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