How to Import multiple files?

Asked by annuschkaa

I am using Inkscape (0.48.0 r9654). I know how to import one file (e.g. eps or ps file by using Ghostscript). But what about importing multiple files?

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su_v (suv-lp) said :

That's work-in-progress, see

Bug #203070 “Import Dialog doesn't handle multiple files”

Depending on your platform, you might be able to drag&drop multiple files from your file manager directly onto Inkscape's canvas, or you can leave the 'File > Import…' dialog open and drag&drop one file after the other to the canvas without having to open and close the dialog for each. You still will have to confirm any file-type-depending special import options (page etc. for PDF/EPS/PS, link or embed for bitmap images, …) for each (dropped) file though.

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