font is silently replaced if not installed on an other computer

Asked by joerg


first of all, thank you for workinbg on inkscape - i love it!

here's my problem/question:
i use inkscape on 2 different computers with different os (vista + 7) that have different installed fonts. when i open an inkscape-svg on one computer that i made on the other and the font is one of those missing, it get's automatically replaced.

that may be a feature, but i don't even get a warning or a note what the name of the font was to find and copy it to the other computer. this is very often a big problem for me!!!
if i could at least rightclick the text and find out what the font should be in properties or get a message when opening the file with a list of the missing fonts, that would be so great and useful!!!

can i do something somewhere to get this behaviour? or can you do ;) ??

thanks so much for your help and for your good work!

best regards,

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su_v (suv-lp) said :

> or can you do ;) ??

You already found the relevant bug / feature request...

Other related reports:
Bug #168658 “font substitution is silent”
Bug #170155 “Font substitution dialog on file open” [1]
Bug #179589 “PDF Import: spaces removed from font names”
Bug #600068 “Find and change font”

[1] «(…) In the future i will probably add an editable table of font substitutions in the preferences.»

> if i could at least rightclick the text and find out what the font should be in properties (…)
> can i do something somewhere to get this behaviour?

You can find out the original name of individual missing fonts in several ways:
a) for regular text, the original font name is displayed in the status bar when the text object is selected
b) if you select a text object and switch to the text tool, the original font name is displayed in the text field of the font name dropdown list on the controls bar, with a notification icon that the font is missing.
c) alternatively, select the text, open 'Edit > XML Editor' and look for '-inkscape-font-specification' in the style attribute (possibly you have to select a <tspan> child of the <text> object there).

There exists a new extension 'Replace font' which allows to replace font names globally or within the selection: you can get it from <>
The extension is also available in development builds from current trunk:
Bug #171007 “Font Find and replace added to the Text dialog”

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