Comment 16 for bug 988601

Revision history for this message
David Mathog (mathog) wrote :

Bowing to popular demand, here are all of the EMF and related changes as a patch.
This patch worked when applied to r11598 today, both on Linux (32 bit Ubuntu 12.04) and Windows (32 bit XP).

For linux:

get a clean distribution with bzr
patch -p0 -i changes_2012_08_08.patch
autoreconf -i
intltoolize #otherwise it never makes po/

For Windows (in mingw)

get a clean distribution with bzr
get devlibs32 (recent older ones are missing an include region.h, which will stop the build)
patch -p0 -i changes_2012_08_08.patch
g++ buildtool.cpp -o btool -fopenmp

continuing in Windows in a DOS shell

# set up a mingwenv.bat to point to devlibs32
# wait about an hour

In addition to my EMF changes, the has been modified so that it works on Ubuntu 12.04. The version that came with r11598 would not create a working configure. Even with the modifications, there are still some warnings when autoreconf runs.