Comment 7 for bug 909328

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> No existing functionality has been removed from the Find dialog.

Some quick notes/questions:
- Usage:
How do I quickly select all circles to move them onto a new layer (object type)?
How do I select all objects with a certain (sub)string in their IDs to group them (ID)?
How do I identify all objects which have a clip-path or a mask, or a path effect applied (attribute name)?

- 'Search in > Attribute/Style':
Does it search in the content of all attributes of all objects within the scope? Currently this is separated into two search entries: 'Attribute' only searches in attribute names, 'Style' only searches the content of the 'style' attribute of all objects within the current scope.
How does one select objects by attribute names, partial or full match? (e.g. those with attributes in a custom namespace; or those with attributes like 'clip-path', 'mask' or 'inkscape:path-effect'; …)
Would it be intended to allow to search for matches of certain attribute values? (e.g. select all objects which refer to the same clip-path by partial id, but ignore partial matches in other attributes; or select by the value of rx or ry of ellipses; …)

- Fonts of text objects created in Inkscape are stored in two properties of the style attribute ('font-family', '-inkscape-font-specification'): what happens if I enter a font family name, and choose 'Search in > Attribute/Style' - will the search fail or does it not matter whether one uses 'Style/Attribute' or 'Font' for 'Search in'?

- If 'Font' is singled out as individual property of the style attribute, shouldn't there be separate explicit find (and replace) functions for other style properties? Like fill and stroke attributes (color for each of them; stroke width, line type (dashes), (start, mid, end) markers for stroke), opacity for object, fill and stroke, …?