Comment 54 for bug 293940

Revision history for this message
Chris (mail-christianmayer) wrote :

Hi Alvin, great to see you back!

As I did only touch the HATCH a little bit(*), a diff should easily help to merge the versions.

As I need to import existing DXF files it's important to import them as they are. Using a different export method is no option, as I have neither the source file nor the program used to export them... Anyway, the BLOCK and INSERT is working quite nicely now :)

BTW: my working copy has inital support to scale the DXF to a power of 10 and still fill a A4 paper as much as possible. As a DXF doesn't contain the size it's supposed to fill, it would be great to have a option dialog during opening the file to let the user specify the page size. Is something like that possible?

who's now able to nearly perfectly load all different DXFs he's got...

(*): I've added support for hatches that contain different parts (Mads' file is using that). I'm also ignoring the points that are seeding the flood fill for the different parts of the hatch now. Support for patterns is still missing :(