Comment 2 for bug 170815

Revision history for this message
Musaran (musaran) wrote :

I say it is a great idea and a smart interface.

Let's take it a step further...
Hereafter, "spot chosen" means the corner/border/center
selected in the 3x3 grid.
Hereafter, "still spot" means the part of the object that
does not move when it is scaled (by draging handles or
changing height/width).

1) The spot chosen would be the still spot on the object.
If the spot chosen is a side or the center, scaling moves
the opposite border/corner too.

2) The still spot would display a special handle.
If clicked (and not the center) it becomes a normal scaling
arrow while the opposite side/corner of the object becomes
the still spot.
This would add funtionality while keeping the present
Inkscape behaviour.

3) There would be an alternative mode where all coords are
visible & editable at once :
X : Left - Center - Right / Width
Y : Top - Center - Bottom / Height
These fields are tied : Changing one requires to adjust one
or several others.
Here again, the chosen spot would be the still spot.
Wich coordinate(s) to adjust can be deduced from wich field
is changed and wich cannot change.

A second step further...
4) Let users freely set the "center" spot (like when
rotating an object).

This may look complicated, but it provides for any moving
need I can think of.