Comment 0 for bug 168800

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Drebon17 (drebon17) wrote :

If you have a drawing done in inkscape using clippathes, then by
exporting it to ps/eps or pdf you will just loose the clipping, and having
the two shapes (the clippath and the path clipped) entirely displayed.

     This issue is very likely to be due to a lack of support for clipping
in the ps eps or pdf format (or maybe a misuse of that support by InkScape
export function). In some cases one can use the "path, cut the pathes"
option and deleted the unwanted parts to achieve the same result as
"object, clipping, define", and that does export well (but that's because
the paths are actually redifined and one lost the trace of the cutting

    I do belive that a fix to that issue could be to tranform the clipping
into an actual cutting when exporting to pdf/eps/ps.

Here is couple of files showing the issue :

a black square is being cut by a triangle, on the svg everything is fine,
and on the eps, one can only see the black square.