laserjer 100 color MFP M175nw prints one page and stops.

Asked by Cruel Shoes

Hi guys,

I am using HPlip(3.22.10+dfsg0-2) to print. I can print one page of a document. I will get a second page to come out but it is blank. It doesn't matter how many pages I try to print. I always get exactly two pages, one printed, one blank. What is going on? how can I debug this?

The version of hplip on the web site doesn't install on my machine ( the qt libs are out of date.)


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Cruel Shoes
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Cruel Shoes (cruelshoes) said :

Hey Linta,

Terrific to hear from you. Your suggestion to check the printer settings is a good one. I'm checking printer settings now. I see that the paper size is selected in two different places and it looks like I need to have them both at A4 size in order to make this work. For future reference the HP support volunteers ( they are not paid ) in the printer forums will not assist with Linux printing problems. They will refer you to the developer forums for help with hplip. The developer forums will not assist with printing issues and will refer you to the printing forums again. They only do Mac and Windows.

Incidentally although I find myself in need of a new leather jacket right now I will not buy from your source. Your crass commercialism calls into question your skill as a systems administrator and kind of reinforces a feeling I have long had about ubuntu and it's community.

Thanks again for prompting me to reexamine the printer settings.
