hp laserjet p1006 stopped working

Asked by hansc1


after solving the first problem with hp laserjet p1006 (Question #59615) the printer stopped working again.

The failure occurs if the printer is turned off the first time: after that it wont work again with ubuntu 8.10.

output "printer troubleshooting": (long, stops with an error)

 age 1 (Scheduler not running?):
{'cups_connection_failure': False}
Page 2 (Choose printer):
{'cups_dest': <cups.Dest HP_LaserJet_P1006>,
 'cups_instance': None,
 'cups_queue': 'HP_LaserJet_P1006',
 'cups_queue_listed': True}
Page 3 (Check printer sanity):
{'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'hp',
 'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial=AA57289',
                       'printer-info': u'HP_LaserJet_P1006',
                       'printer-is-shared': True,
                       'printer-location': u'',
                       'printer-make-and-model': u'HP LaserJet p1006 Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs 2.8.12',
                       'printer-state': 3,
                       'printer-state-message': u'/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip failed',
                       'printer-state-reasons': [u'none'],
                       'printer-type': 36876,
                       'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006'},
 'cups_printer_remote': False,
 'hplip_output': (['',
                   '\x1b[01mHP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 2.8.12)\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01mDevice Information Utility ver. 5.2\x1b[0m',
                   'Copyright (c) 2001-8 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP',
                   'This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.',
                   'This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it',
                   'under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.',
                   '\x1b[01mDevice Parameters (dynamic data):\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01m Parameter Value(s) \x1b[0m',
                   ' ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------',
                   ' agent1-ack False ',
                   ' agent1-desc Black toner cartridge ',
                   ' agent1-dvc 0 ',
                   ' agent1-health 0 ',
                   ' agent1-health-desc Good/OK ',
                   ' agent1-hp-ink False ',
                   ' agent1-id 0 ',
                   ' agent1-kind 4 ',
                   ' agent1-known False ',
                   ' agent1-level 100 ',
                   ' agent1-level-trigger 0 ',
                   ' agent1-sku 35A ',
                   ' agent1-type 1 ',
                   ' agent1-virgin False ',
                   ' back-end hp ',
                   ' cups-printer HP_LaserJet_P1006 ',
                   ' cups-uri hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial=AA57289 ',
                   ' dev-file ',
                   ' device-state 1 ',
                   ' device-uri hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial=AA57289 ',
                   ' deviceid MFG:Hewlett-Packard;MDL:HP LaserJet ',
                   ' P1006;CMD:ACL;CLS:PRINTER;DES:HP LaserJet P1006; ',
                   ' duplexer 0 ',
                   ' error-state 0 ',
                   ' host ',
                   ' in-tray1 1 ',
                   ' in-tray2 1 ',
                   ' is-hp True ',
                   ' media-path 1 ',
                   ' panel 0 ',
                   ' panel-line1 ',
                   ' panel-line2 ',
                   ' photo-tray 0 ',
                   ' port 1 ',
                   ' r 0 ',
                   ' revision 254 ',
                   ' rg 000 ',
                   ' rr 000000 ',
                   ' rs 000000000 ',
                   ' serial AA57289 ',
                   ' status-code 1000 ',
                   ' status-desc Idle ',
                   ' supply-door 1 ',
                   ' top-door 1 ',
                   'Model Parameters (static data):\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01m Parameter Value(s) \x1b[0m',
                   ' ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------',
                   ' align-type 0 ',
                   ' clean-type 0 ',
                   ' color-cal-type 0 ',
                   ' copy-type 0 ',
                   ' embedded-server-type 0 ',
                   ' fax-type 0 ',
                   ' fw-download True ',
                   ' icon HP_LaserJet_1012.png ',
                   ' io-mfp-mode 6 ',
                   ' io-mode 1 ',
                   ' io-support 2 ',
                   ' job-storage 0 ',
                   ' linefeed-cal-type 0 ',
                   ' model HP_LaserJet_P1006 ',
                   ' model-ui HP LaserJet p1006 ',
                   ' model1 HP LaserJet P1006 Printer ',
                   ' monitor-type 0 ',
                   ' panel-check-type 0 ',
                   ' pcard-type 0 ',
                   ' plugin 1 ',
                   ' plugin-reason 1 ',
                   ' power-settings 0 ',
                   ' pq-diag-type 0 ',
                   ' r-type 0 ',
                   ' r0-agent1-kind 4 ',
                   ' r0-agent1-sku 35A ',
                   ' r0-agent1-type 1 ',
                   ' scan-style 0 ',
                   ' scan-type 0 ',
                   ' status-battery-check 0 ',
                   ' status-dynamic-counters 0 ',
                   ' status-type 8 ',
                   ' support-released True ',
                   ' support-type 2 ',
                   ' support-ver 2.8.2 ',
                   " tech-class ['LJm1005'] ",
                   " tech-subclass ['Normal'] ",
                   ' tech-type 3 ',
                   ' usb-pid 4117 ',
                   ' usb-vid 03f0 ',
                   'Status History (most recent first):\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01m Date/Time Code Status Description User Job ID \x1b[0m',
                   ' -------------------- ----- ---------------------------------------- -------- --------',
                   ' 02/07/09 18:07:11 1000 Idle hans 0 ',
 'is_cups_class': False}
Page 4 (Check PPD sanity):
{'cups_printer_ppd_defaults': {u'General': {u'InputSlot': u'Default',
                                            u'MediaType': u'Plain',
                                            u'PageRegion': u'A4',
                                            u'PageSize': u'A4',
                                            u'PrintoutMode': u'Normal'},
                               u'PrintoutMode': {u'Quality': u'FromPrintoutMode'}},
 'cups_printer_ppd_valid': True,
 'missing_pkgs_and_exes': ([], [])}
Page 5 (Local or remote?):
{'printer_is_remote': False}
Page 6 (Choose device):
{'cups_device_dict': {'device-class': u'direct',
                      'device-id': u'MFG:HP;MDL:HP LaserJet P1006;CLS:PRINTER;DES:HP LaserJet P1006;SN:AA57289;',
                      'device-info': u'HP LaserJet P1006 USB AA57289 HPLIP',
                      'device-make-and-model': u'HP LaserJet P1006'}}
Page 7 (Printer state reasons):
{'printer-state-message': u'/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip failed',
 'printer-state-reasons': [u'none']}
Page 8 (Error log checkpoint):
{'cups_server_settings': {'DefaultAuthType': 'Basic',
                          'SystemGroup': 'lpadmin',
                          '_debug_logging': '0',
                          '_remote_admin': '0',
                          '_remote_any': '0',
                          '_remote_printers': '0',
                          '_share_printers': '0',
                          '_user_cancel_any': '0'},
 'error_log_checkpoint': 2071L,
 'error_log_debug_logging_set': True}
Page 9 (Print test page):
{'test_page_attempted': True,
 'test_page_job_id': [32],
 'test_page_job_status': [(False,
                           'Test Page',
                           {'attributes-charset': u'utf-8',
                            'attributes-natural-language': u'nl-nl',
                            'document-format': u'application/postscript',
                            'job-hold-until': u'no-hold',
                            'job-id': 32,
                            'job-k-octets': 17,
                            'job-media-sheets-completed': 1,
                            'job-more-info': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/32',
                            'job-name': u'Test Page',
                            'job-originating-host-name': u'localhost',
                            'job-originating-user-name': u'hans',
                            'job-printer-state-message': u'',
                            'job-printer-state-reasons': [u'none'],
                            'job-printer-up-time': 1234026494,
                            'job-printer-uri': u'ipp://hans-c1:631/printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006',
                            'job-priority': 50,
                            'job-sheets': [u'none', u'none'],
                            'job-state': 5,
                            'job-state-reasons': u'job-printing',
                            'job-uri': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/32',
                            'job-uuid': u'urn:uuid:444bbf00-2610-3586-63df-977c71e38359',
                            'printer-uri': u'ipp://localhost/printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006',
                            'time-at-completed': None,
                            'time-at-creation': 1234026474,
                            'time-at-processing': 1234026474})],
 'test_page_successful': False}
Page 10 (Error log fetch):
{'error_log': ['D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] [Job 31] Loading attributes...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] Create-Printer-Subscription /',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdCreateSubscription(con=0xb8e83510(7), uri="/")',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] pullmethod="ippget"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] notify-lease-duration=86400',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] notify-time-interval=0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=17800, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)")',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] Added subscription 44 for server',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:37 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:38 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:38 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:38 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:38 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:38 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hans"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:38 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:38 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST /printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006 HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] add_job: requesting-user-name="hans"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Adding start banner page "none".',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Adding end banner page "none".',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] File of type application/postscript queued by "hans".',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] hold_until=0',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Queued on "HP_LaserJet_P1006" by "hans".',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] job-sheets=none,none',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] banner_page = 0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] argv[0]="HP_LaserJet_P1006"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] argv[1]="32"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] argv[2]="hans"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:444bbf00-2610-3586-63df-977c71e38359"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00032-001"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@hans-c1"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.9"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[12]="TZ=Europe/Amsterdam"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[18]="LANG=nl_NL.UTF8"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_P1006.ppd"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial=AA57289"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[23]="PRINTER=HP_LaserJet_P1006"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] envp[24]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HP_LaserJet_P1006"',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf (PID 5734)',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 5735)',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps (PID 5736)',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip (PID 5739)',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp (PID 5743)',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] pstopdf argv[6] = 32 hans Test Page 1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:444bbf00-2610-3586-63df-977c71e38359 /var/spool/cups/d00032-001',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_P1006.ppd',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Resolution: 600',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Page size: A4',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Width: 595.00, height: 842.00, absolute margins: , , ,',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] Relative margins: 18.00, 14.40, 18.00, 14.40',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] PPD options: -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595.00 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842.00',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] [Job 32] PostScript to be injected:',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hans"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/32',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:54 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Running cat | /usr/bin/ps2pdf13 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dNOPLATFONTS -dPARANOIDSAFER -sstdout=%stderr -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595.00 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842.00 - -',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] foomatic-rip version $Revision=$ running...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Parsing PPD file ...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option ColorSpace',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option Resolution',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option PageSize',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option Model',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option PrintoutMode',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option MediaType',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option InputSlot',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option Quality',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip-hplip"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option PageRegion',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option ImageableArea',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option PaperDimension',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Added option Font',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Parameter Summary',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] -----------------',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Spooler: cups',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Printer: HP_LaserJet_P1006',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Shell: /bin/bash',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_P1006.ppd',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] ATTR file:',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Printer model: HP LaserJet p1006 Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs 2.8.12',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Job title: Test Page',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] File(s) to be printed:',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] <STDIN>',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               "D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] GhostScript extra search path ('GS_LIB'): /usr/share/cups/fonts",
               "D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Pondering option 'job-uuid=urn:uuid:444bbf00-2610-3586-63df-977c71e38359'",
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Unknown option job-uuid=urn:uuid:444bbf00-2610-3586-63df-977c71e38359.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] ================================================',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] File: <STDIN>',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] ================================================',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Reading PostScript input ...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hans"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 7',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] GPL Ghostscript 8.63: Set UseCIEColor for UseDeviceIndependentColor to work properly.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] PID 5734 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) exited with no errors.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] PID 5735 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Device copies: 1; device collate:',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] pdftops - copying to temp print file "/tmp/498dbfebbb735"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Page = 595x842; 18,14 to 577,828',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] %%LanguageLevel: 3',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] %%DocumentMedia: plain 595 842 0 () ()',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] %%EndComments',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginDefaults',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] --> This document is DSC-conforming!',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %RBINumCopies: 1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Job claims to be DSC-conforming, but "%%BeginProlog" was missing before first line with another "%%Begin..." comment (is this a TeX/LaTeX/dvips-generated PostScript file?). Assuming start of "Prolog" here.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] -----------',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginProlog',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Before copy_setup - %%BeginSetup',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%EndProlog',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] -----------',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginSetup',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PageRegion A4',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: PageRegion=A4 --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: PageSize=A4',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: PageSize=A4 --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PrintoutMode Normal',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: PrintoutMode=Normal --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: PrintoutMode=Normal',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: PrintoutMode=Normal --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginFeature: *MediaType Plain',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: MediaType=Plain --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: MediaType=Plain',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: MediaType=Plain --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginFeature: *InputSlot Default',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: InputSlot=Default --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: InputSlot=Default',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: InputSlot=Default --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Quality FromPrintoutMode',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: Quality=FromPrintoutMode --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Quality=@PrintoutMode',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Option: Quality=FromPrintoutMode --> Setting option',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Copying page 1...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 813.2',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] PageTop = 827.6, PageBottom = 14.4',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%EndSetup',
               "D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Inserting PostScript code for CUPS' page accounting",
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] -----------',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] New page: 1 1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BeginPageSetup',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%EndPageSetup',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] End of page header',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Stopping search for page header options',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Found: 125 1800 l',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] --> Output goes directly to the renderer now.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Starting renderer',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] JCL: <job data>',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] renderer PID kid4=5785',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="HP LaserJet M1005" -r600 -sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=0,Quality:PenSet=0Plain,PS:MediaPosition=7 -dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- -',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:55 +0100] [Job 32] Starting process 5786: "gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=5..."',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] PID 5736 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps) exited with no errors.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%PageTrailer',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] --> Continue DSC parsing now.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%Trailer',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] --> Continue DSC parsing now.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%DocumentSuppliedResources:',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] --> Continue DSC parsing now.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%Pages: 1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] --> Continue DSC parsing now.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] --> Continue DSC parsing now.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Found: %%EOF',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] --> Continue DSC parsing now.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] [Job 32] Closing renderer',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:07:56 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:08:01 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 8 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/jobs/',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 8',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 8 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hans"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 8',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 8 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hans"',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 8',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] Process 5786 ending: "gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=5..."',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] tail process done writing data to STDOUT',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] KID4 exited with status 0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] KID4 finished',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] KID3 finished with 0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] KID3 exited with status 0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] Renderer exit stat: 0',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] Renderer process finished',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32]',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] [Job 32] Closing foomatic-rip.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:02 +0100] PID 5739 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip) exited with no errors.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 8 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/32',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 8',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 8 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] Cancel-Subscription /',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hans"',
               'I [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 8',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 8 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 8 GET /admin/log/error_log HTTP/1.1',
               'D [07/Feb/2009:18:08:14 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.'],
 'error_log_debug_logging_unset': True}

Thanks for reading all this...


Question information

English Edit question
HPLIP Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Aaron Albright (albrigha-deactivatedaccount) said :

Please run hp-check -t and post the output.



Revision history for this message
hansc1 (hanshofmann) said :

The printer works again, but keeps giving error massages. "There is a problem on printer hp laserjet p1006t" After reboot of the system I never know if it works of not.

Thanks for helping again


run hp-check -t:

Basic system information:
Linux hans-c1 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

ubuntu 8.10

HPOJ running?
No, HPOJ is not running (OK).

Checking Python version...
OK, version 2.5.2 installed

Checking PyQt 3.x version...
OK, version 3.17 installed.

Checking PyQt 4.x version...

Checking for CUPS...
Status: taakplanner is actief
Version: 1.3.9
error_log is set to level: info
note: For troubleshooting printing issues, it is best to have the CUPS 'LogLevel'
note: set to 'debug'. To set the LogLevel to debug, edit the file /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (as root),
note: and change the line near the top of the file that begins with 'LogLevel' to read:
note: LogLevel debug
note: Save the file and then restart CUPS (see your OS/distro docs on how to restart CUPS).
note: Now, when you print, helpful debug information will be saved to the file:
note: /var/log/cups/error_log
note: You can monitor this file by running this command in a console/shell:
note: tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log

Checking for dbus/python-dbus...
dbus daemon is running.
python-dbus version: 0.82.4


note: To check for compile-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with the -c parameter (ie, hp-check -c).
note: To check for run-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with the -r parameter (ie, hp-check -r).

Checking for dependency: cups - Common Unix Printing System...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: cups-ddk - CUPS driver development kit...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: cups-devel- Common Unix Printing System development files...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: dbus - Message bus system...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: libjpeg - JPEG library...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: libpthread - POSIX threads library...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: libtool - Library building support services...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: libusb - USB library...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan)...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: ppdev - Parallel port support kernel module....
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: PyQt 3- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 3.x)...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x)...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: python-ctypes - A foreign function library for Python...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: python-dbus - Python bindings for dbus...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: python-devel - Python development files...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Python XML libraries...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Python 2.3 or greater - Required for fax functionality...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Reportlab - PDF library for Python...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library development files...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: scanimage - Shell scanning program...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE...
OK, found.


Currently installed HPLIP version...
HPLIP 2.8.12 currently installed in '/usr/share/hplip'.

Current contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file:
run = /var/run
cupsbackend = /usr/lib/cups/backend
ppd = /usr/share/ppd/hpijs/HP
doc = /usr/share/doc/hplip-2.8.12
drv = /usr/share/cups/drv/hp/
ppdbase = /usr/share/ppd/hpijs
home = /usr/share/hplip
icon = /usr/share/applications
cupsfilter = /usr/lib/cups/filter

device_uri = hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial=AA57289

version = 2.8.12
plugin = 1

foomatic-rip-hplip-install = yes
qt4 = no
doc-build = yes
qt3 = yes
cups11-build = no
gui-build = yes
internal-tag =
foomatic-ppd-install = no
network-build = yes
ui-toolkit = qt3
pp-build = no
fax-build = yes
scanner-build = yes
restricted-build = no
dbus-build = yes
shadow-build = no
foomatic-drv-install = yes

Current contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file:
device_uri = hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial=AA57289

version =
date_time = 02/09/09 18:54:58


  Device URI Model
  -------------------------------- -----------------
  hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial HP LaserJet P1006


warning: No queues found.


'hpaio' in '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf'...
OK, found. SANE backend 'hpaio' is properly set up.

Checking output of 'scanimage -L'...

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).


Checking 'cupsext' CUPS extension...
OK, found.

Checking 'pcardext' Photocard extension...
OK, found.

Checking 'hpmudext' I/O extension...
OK, found.

Checking 'scanext' SANE scanning extension...
OK, found.


Checking for permissions of USB attached printers...

HP Device 0x3e17 at 001:002:
    Device URI: hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1006?serial=AA57289
    Device node: /dev/bus/usb/001/002
    Mode: 0660
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: dev/bus/usb/001/002
# owner: lp
# group: lp


No errors or warnings.

Revision history for this message
Aaron Albright (albrigha-deactivatedaccount) said :

It doesn't appear you have any printer queues configured.

To configure the printer run:

sudo hp-setup

Hope this helps.


Can you help with this problem?

Provide an answer of your own, or ask hansc1 for more information if necessary.

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