jpeg libs

Asked by Victor Moya

I've got a problem with manual installation in ubuntu 12.04
I have to use manual installation because I use a parallel port printer.

In Step 2 (install dependency packages) I get this error:

"The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libjpeg-turbo8-dev : conflicts : libjpeg62-dev but 6b1-2ubuntu1 is to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."

I've tried to install libjpeg62-dev in Synaptic, but it wants to remove libjpeg-turbo8-dev and others that hplip needs.

Summarizing, it seems that hplip needs libjpeg62-dev and libjpeg-turbo8-dev, but they are incompatible in ubuntu 12.04

Can you help me?

By the way, automatic installation works fine, but I cannot select a parallel port printer. Maybe there's a way to modify the automatic installation...


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Solved by:
Sanjay Kumar
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Best Sanjay Kumar (sanjay-kumar14) said :

Hi Victor,

There is an issue in libjpeg62-dev. Actually while installing this package, cups related packages will be removed. To fix this issue for us we need to install cups only after libcupsimage62-dev is installed. Please run following command for the same and then continue the installation steps.

a) sudo apt-get install --assume-yes --force-yes libjpeg62-dev

b) sudo apt-get install --assume-yes --force-yes libcups2 cups libcups2-dev cups-bsd cups-client libcupsimage2-dev libdbus-1-dev build-essential ghostscript openssl libsnmp-dev libtool libusb-1.0-0-dev wget python-imaging policykit-1 policykit-1-gnome python-qt4 python-qt4-dbus python-dbus python-gobject python-dev python-notify python python-reportlab libsane libsane-dev sane-utils xsane

If above steps dont work then please try following alternative steps.
1) Download auto-installer file ( to some location. e.g ~/Download
2) Install HPLIP using auto installer
3) hplip-3.12.6 directory will be created in ~/Downloads directory
4) Open terminal and change directory to ~/Download/hplip-3.12.6
5) Now run following 3 commands
      a) ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-pp-build (for 32 bit OS)
         ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-pp-build (for 64bit OS)
      b) make
      c) make install
6) Now setup the printer using following command and then try printing
    hp-setup (Then select parallel port option)

Revision history for this message
Victor Moya (vmoya99) said :

Thanks Sanjay Kumar, that solved my question.