HP 6500A (e710n) is not scaning ADF

Asked by Herczeg Zsolt

I have recently updated to hplip 3.11.7 becaouse of the ADF support for this device. But on ADF scan, scaning fails with SANE I/O error code=9.

Here is the output of hpscan --adf -ldebug

Is there any other log I can provide? What should i do to get it work?

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.11.7)
Scan Utility ver. 2.2

Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

hp-scan[21981]: debug: getDeviceUri(None, None, ['hpaio'], {'scan-type': (<built-in function gt>, 0)}, , True)
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Mode=0
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Device URI ipp:/ is invalid/unknown
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Exception: 4 (Unknown/invalid device-uri field)
hp-scan[21981]: debug: hp:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip= back_end:hp is_hp:True bus:net model:Officejet_6500_E710a-f serial: dev_file: host: zc: port:1
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Cache miss: officejet_6500_e710a-f
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Reading file: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Searching for section [officejet_6500_e710a-f] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Found section [officejet_6500_e710a-f] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[21981]: debug: hpfax:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip= back_end:hpfax is_hp:True bus:net model:Officejet_6500_E710a-f serial: dev_file: host: zc: port:1
hp-scan[21981]: debug: {'hpaio:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip=': ['Officejet_6500_E710a-f']}
Using device: hpaio:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip=

warning: No destinations specified. Adding 'file' destination by default.
Using device hpaio:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip=
Opening connection to device...
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Device supported resolutions [75, 100, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800]

Resolution: 300dpi
Mode: gray
Compression: JPEG
Scan area (mm):
  Top left (x,y): (0.000000mm, 0.000000mm)
  Bottom right (x,y): (215.900009mm, 297.010681mm)
  Width: 215.900009mm
  Height: 297.010681mm
Destination(s): file
Output file:
hp-scan[21981]: debug: Supported source Options: ['Flatbed', 'ADF'] size=2
warning: File destination enabled with no output file specified.
Setting output format to PDF for ADF mode.
warning: Defaulting to '/home/hetom/hpscan001.pdf'.

Warming up...

Page 1: Scanning...
error: SANE: Error during device I/O (code=9)
Closing device.

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.

Revision history for this message
Herczeg Zsolt (herczegzsolt) said :

This bug/question is still exists.

My ADF scans fail with "Device I/O error".

Can anyone help me?

Revision history for this message
Herczeg Zsolt (herczegzsolt) said :

Here is the output of hp-check:

hp-check[3658]: info: :
Initializing. Please wait...


scheduler is running


Linux zsoltbook 2.6.38-10-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 15:07:17 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| SYSTEM INFO |
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mBasic system information:[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :Linux zsoltbook 2.6.38-10-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 15:07:17 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mDistribution:[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :ubuntu 11.04
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking Python version...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, version 2.7.1 installed
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking PyQt 4.x version...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, version 4.8.3 installed.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for CUPS...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :Status: scheduler is running
hp-check[3658]: info: :Version: 1.4.6
hp-check[3658]: info: :error_log is set to level: warn
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dbus/python-dbus...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :dbus daemon is running.
hp-check[3658]: info: :python-dbus version: 0.83.1
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :------------------------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| COMPILE AND RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES |
hp-check[3658]: info: :------------------------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
note: To check for compile-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with the -c parameter (ie, hp-check -c).
note: To check for run-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with the -r parameter (ie, hp-check -r).
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: CUPS - Common Unix Printing System...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: CUPS image - CUPS image development files...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: DBus - Message bus system...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libjpeg - JPEG library...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libpthread - POSIX threads library...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libtool - Library building support services...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: libusb - USB library...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan)...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: PolicyKit - Administrative policy framework...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python devel - Python development files...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python XML libraries...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python 2.3 or greater - Required for fax functionality...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: Reportlab - PDF library for Python...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library development files...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: scanimage - Shell scanning program...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking for dependency: xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| HPLIP INSTALLATION |
hp-check[3658]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mCurrently installed HPLIP version...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :HPLIP 3.11.7 currently installed in '/usr/share/hplip'.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mCurrent contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file:[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :# hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure.



# Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.

hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mCurrent contents of '/var/lib/hp/hplip.state' file:[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :# hplip.state - HPLIP runtime persistent variables.


hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mCurrent contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file:[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :[installation]
date_time = 2011-08-13 11:28:53
version = 3.11.7

device_uri = hp:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip=

hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :--------------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| DISCOVERED USB DEVICES |
hp-check[3658]: info: :--------------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :No devices found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| INSTALLED CUPS PRINTER QUEUES |
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mOfficejet_6500_E710a-f[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01m----------------------[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :Type: Printer
hp-check[3658]: info: :Device URI: hp:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip=
hp-check[3658]: info: :PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/Officejet_6500_E710a-f.ppd
hp-check[3658]: info: :PPD Description: HP Officejet 6500 e710a-f, hpcups 3.11.7
hp-check[3658]: info: :Printer status: printer Officejet_6500_E710a-f is idle. enabled since 2011. aug. 12., péntek, 11.07.24 CEST

hp-check[3658]: info: :Communication status: Good
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mOfficejet_6500_E710a-f_fax[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01m--------------------------[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :Type: Fax
hp-check[3658]: info: :Device URI: hpfax:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip=
hp-check[3658]: info: :PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/Officejet_6500_E710a-f_fax.ppd
hp-check[3658]: info: :PPD Description: HP Fax4 hpcups
hp-check[3658]: info: :Printer status: printer Officejet_6500_E710a-f_fax is idle. enabled since 2011. aug. 12., péntek, 11.07.24 CEST

hp-check[3658]: info: :Communication status: Good
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| SANE CONFIGURATION |
hp-check[3658]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01m'hpaio' in '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf'...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found. SANE backend 'hpaio' is properly set up.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking output of 'scanimage -L'...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :device `hpaio:/net/Officejet_6500_E710a-f?ip=' is a Hewlett-Packard Officejet_6500_E710a-f all-in-one

hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| PYTHON EXTENSIONS |
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking 'cupsext' CUPS extension...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking 'pcardext' Photocard extension...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking 'hpmudext' I/O extension...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[01mChecking 'scanext' SANE scanning extension...[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| USER GROUPS |
hp-check[3658]: info: :---------------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :zsolt94 adm lp dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare

hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :-----------
hp-check[3658]: info: :| SUMMARY |
hp-check[3658]: info: :-----------
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :[32;01mNo errors or warnings.[0m
hp-check[3658]: info: :
hp-check[3658]: info: :Done.

Revision history for this message
goutam kodu (goutam-hplip) said :


Thanks for the hp-check output.
Can you check is SNMP write is disabled on the printer. If SNMP is set to read only then make it to write.
After that check try to do a scan job and see if the error still occurs.

Let us know on the same.

Thanks & Regards,
Goutam Kodu

Revision history for this message
Herczeg Zsolt (herczegzsolt) said :

How can I check this about SNMP on the printer?

The network parameters are:

My network is (subnet mask
My printer IP address is static, it's
I've disabled the "Bonjour" service on the printer.

The flatbed scanning, and printing are works fine!
The error is only occur on ADF scan if I scan to my computer.
The web-based ADF only works fine. (but it provides only PDF)

The printer was set uo with hp-setup
It only finds the printer by IP address, because of the disabled bonjour.

Revision history for this message
Sarbeswar Meher (sarbeswar-meher) said :

Are you able to scan from flatbed? If yes and the issue exists only for ADF, then let us know.

If scanning is not working at all, then exit the HP systray running. Right click on HP icon and quit.

Launch xsane and do scanning.

Let us know your feedback.

Sarbeswar Meher

Revision history for this message
Herczeg Zsolt (herczegzsolt) said :

Yes, this issue only exists for ADF scaning to a client-program (ex: xsane, hp-scan, simple-scan, etc.)

This issue NOT exists for flatbad scanning!

This issue also NOT exists for ADF scaning with the web page implemented scanner of the device, so the device should be OK. The error is in the hplip driver, or in the hplip/network configuration. (The web based scan is given with the printer, and it's NOT in connection with hplip.)

This device was always used through the network, i haven't ever test it through USB, so every given information is collected when the printer was connected through lan.

Should i test the ADF scanning through USB or with a Windows system?

Revision history for this message
Carl-Eric Menzel (duesenklipper) said :

I am having the same problem:

hplip 3.11.7 on two machines, one running maverick, one running natty.

On both machines adf scanning worked until earlier today - then the 6500a wanted to update its firmware. That update succeeded, but since then I'm getting this on the maverick machine:

$ hp-scan --debug -spdf --adf -r100

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.11.7)
Scan Utility ver. 2.2

Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

hp-scan[12905]: debug: getDeviceUri(None, None, ['hpaio'], {'scan-type': (<built-in function gt>, 0)}, , True)
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Mode=0
hp-scan[12905]: debug: hp:/net/Officejet_6500_E710n-z?zc=HP560043: back_end:hp is_hp:True bus:net model:Officejet_6500_E710n-z serial: dev_file: host:HP560043 zc:HP560043 port:1
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Cache miss: officejet_6500_e710n-z
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Reading file: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Searching for section [officejet_6500_e710n-z] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Found section [officejet_6500_e710n-z] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[12905]: debug: hpfax:/net/Officejet_6500_E710n-z?zc=HP560043: back_end:hpfax is_hp:True bus:net model:Officejet_6500_E710n-z serial: dev_file: host:HP560043 zc:HP560043 port:1
hp-scan[12905]: debug: hp:/net/Photosmart_D7200_series?zc=HP0BD909: back_end:hp is_hp:True bus:net model:Photosmart_D7200_series serial: dev_file: host:HP0BD909 zc:HP0BD909 port:1
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Cache miss: photosmart_d7200_series
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Reading file: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Searching for section [photosmart_d7200_series] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Found section [photosmart_d7200_series] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[12905]: debug: {'hpaio:/net/Officejet_6500_E710n-z?zc=HP560043': ['Officejet_6500_E710n-z']}
Using device: hpaio:/net/Officejet_6500_E710n-z?zc=HP560043

Using device hpaio:/net/Officejet_6500_E710n-z?zc=HP560043
Opening connection to device...
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Device supported resolutions [75, 100, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800]

Resolution: 100dpi
Mode: gray
Compression: JPEG
Scan area (mm):
  Top left (x,y): (0.000000mm, 0.000000mm)
  Bottom right (x,y): (215.900009mm, 297.010681mm)
  Width: 215.900009mm
  Height: 297.010681mm
Destination(s): pdf
hp-scan[12905]: debug: Supported source Options: ['Flatbed', 'ADF'] size=2

Warming up...

Page 1: Scanning...
error: SANE: Error during device I/O (code=9)
Closing device.


The situation on the natty machine is exactly the same. Xsane does not work with ADF either.

Scanning from flatbed works on both machines. Since I have to scan a lot of documents, that is not a good situation for me.

Any ideas?


Revision history for this message
Sarbeswar Meher (sarbeswar-meher) said :


  After upgrading the firmware to latest, we are able to reproduce the issue. We'll get back to you soon on the fix of this defect.

Sarbeswar Meher

Revision history for this message
Sarbeswar Meher (sarbeswar-meher) said :


  You can download the patches bb_ledm.c.patch and ledm.c.path from https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+bug/819709.

 Please integrate in your source code of hplip installed.

 Go to the directory in commandline and run "make" and "sudo make install". You can scan afterwards from ADF.

However this issue will be fixed in hplip-3.11.10 release.

Sarbeswar Meher

Revision history for this message
Matt Thirtytwo (LinuxMatt) (matt-59491) said :

Thank very much for the patch.

Do you have any idea about the release date of hplip 3.11.10 ?

This ADF scanning bug is a little bit annoying and lots of buyers of Officejet 6500A will be disappointed if ADF scanning does not work from xsane...
Personally I bought this printer model mainly for ADF scanning and non-computer-savvy users won't be able to apply the patch themselves...

Please release it as soon as possible :)

Another idea: could you produce "beta" ppas for this package so that we can report bugs before release ?

Thanks again,
Matt (from France)

Revision history for this message
Sarbeswar Meher (sarbeswar-meher) said :

Hi Matt,

   HPLIP-3.11.10 will be released in October 1st week. However did the patch work for you?

Sarbeswar Meher

Revision history for this message
Matt Thirtytwo (LinuxMatt) (matt-59491) said :

The patch works ! You are the best ;-)

I am going to test ADF scanning more extensively over the next few days and I will report bugs if any issue occurs.

A little HOWTO for users who wants to test the patch easily (tested with Linux Mint 11 x86_64):

1) Just copy the 2 patch files into the scan/sane/ subdirectory of the source directory
    (e.g. /tmp/hplip-3.11.7/scan/sane/)

2) In the scan/sane/ subdirectory, type the command patch <source file> <patch file> (you can ignore the error message)
      patch bb_ledm.c bb_ledm.c.patch
      patch ledm.c ledm.c.patch

3) go back to top level source directory and type:
       ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc (you may have to install a lot of "dev" packages but it's worth the effort :))
        you don't need to do "make install" for testing the patch if hplip-3.11.7 is already installed on your computer (it should be).

5) The only library that is changed by the patch is the hidden file .libs/libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.0

6) You may now do this as the root user, at your own risk :
      you should backup /usr/lib/sane/libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.0 (e.g. rename it to libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.0.original )
     and then you can copy .libs/libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.0 to /usr/lib/sane/libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.0

7) Just start xsane with your user account and enjoy ADF scanning :)

Have a nice day,

Revision history for this message
Carl-Eric Menzel (duesenklipper) said :

I can also confirm that this patch works. ADF scanning is proceeding exactly as expected again. Thanks Sarbeswar!

I'd like to add to Matt's HOWTO: At step 3, in the top level source directory, you can just type:


...and it will take you through the normal HPLIP installer, so you don't need to do anything else. This way it will do configure, make and make install without you having to do anything.


Revision history for this message
Sarbeswar Meher (sarbeswar-meher) said :

As per the user's comments, changing the status to Solved. You can download the latest hplip-3.11.10 from http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html which has the fix for it.