When Importing Quicken data using QIF File transfers are all dublicated
HI i tried to import QIF FIle from quikken.
What i did is the following process i had about 30 plus bank accounts to import - i first created a new account in homebank with the same name of my quicken account.
The during the import of the qif file i matched each qif account to the new account i had created in homebank. All i used the ...all your existing account option... - see below this was copy and pasted from homebank manual
Target account
<New account (global)> : is a global account to merge several file/account
<New account> : import in a separate account
... all your existing account ...
<Skip this account> : to completely skip the account
All transections imported - however each transection that was a transfer from one account to another become double i presume reason being it got important from account a and then imported again from acount b - so i ended up with thousands of double transection.
I presume that i did something wrong in the import process - i can do the import again however please advice how to do it to avoid this.
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Open
- For:
- HomeBank Edit question
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
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