trying to understand internal transfer behaviour

Asked by Sunmoon51

In context of HomeBank User Manual (M) I have to ask some questions (Q) because I don't understand some issues:

M: A transfer (more precisely internal transfer) is a money movement between 2 of your accounts, in one or several Financial institution, as so, like you emit and receive the money there is no payee.

Q: If there is no payee, why there is Payee field in Transfer dialog? And why target account is shown in Payee column of ledger book?

M: HomeBank may propose some potential target transaction for you to select within this dialog.

Q: HomeBank 5.8 doesn't propose me any target transaction no matter what. In the dialog I have to define source account and target account, otherwise there is no possibility to click Add. So what transaction could be proposed if source and target are defined?

M: HomeBank will check if there is some existing transaction into the target account that match the source transfer and if there is at least one, this dialog will popup and let you choose what to do.

Q: It seems to me there are some transfer transactions in my file, but adding a transfer doesn't show any previous transfers. Instead, HomeBank writes: Target association suggested / No transaction match.

And, after some tests related to transfers, HomeBank crashes and has to be started from the beginning :-(

So, it is possible I completely don't understand the idea of internal transfer. But it's less probable. I suppose there are still some issues with HomeBank regarding internal transfers.

Maxime, may I ask you for an enlightening comment? Please...

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Revision history for this message
Shannon Brown (ubuntuoce) said :

I am puzzled by this change as well.

I re-read the documentation for the new, Internal Transfer.

Until recently, one just specified the source and target accounts and transferred the money. Works as expected. I used this regularly to pay a credit card bill by transferring funds from a bank to the credit card.

With 5.8, instead, I specify the source and target as before using the same dialogue. When I try to Add the transfer, I get an odd new prompt that seems to look for a Target Association. I have no idea what this is.

But, even so, this seems a bug. This pops up EVERY time. I need to click Add and Cancel to get it to disappear. Yet, the documentation states:
HomeBank will check if there is some existing transaction into the target account that match the source transfer and if there is at least one, this dialog will popup and let you choose what to do.

This is not how the new dialogue works. There are NO TRANSACTIONS so there should be no dialogue. Instead, Homebaank seems to be forcing one to create a new transaction.

Revision history for this message
Shannon Brown (ubuntuoce) said :

This is also linked to Bug

In Version 5.8 of Homebank, users may experience a new dialogue when performing TRANSFERS. A user may open an account, select Add a TRANSFER transaction. Prior to 5.8, the default behavior simply allowed specifying the source and target accounts.

As of version 5.8, Homebank now defaults in PREFERENCES to trying to find a target transaction in the target account to associate with the transfer. This appears as a series of new dialogues. Now, by default, if you select Add and Transfer, you specify the source and target. Homebank then displays a secondary dialogue trying to match a transaction in the specified target account. The user either selects a target or needs to Create a target transaction. For users simply doing a simple transfer, thee Create is optional and can Cancel. Users may note the two new ancillary dialogues however.

The user can turn off the new default behavior for Transfers in Homebank 5.8 by:
--opening Homebank
--then scroll down to see Transfer behavior
--then UNCHECK the "Show action for target creation dialogue for Add"
--click OK to save the setting

For more information, see:
the 5.8 release notes at have the Transfer change noted at::
wish : #2044601 preference to always prompt for a target txn when adding xfer.
This appears a requested wish/enhancement. See the original wish/request use case at

The documentation covers the new transfers default change at
"HomeBank will check if there is some existing transaction into the target account that match the source transfer and if there is at least one, this dialog will popup and let you choose what to do."

Revision history for this message
Maxime DOYEN (mdoyen) said (last edit ):

Q: If there is no payee, why there is Payee field in Transfer dialog? And why target account is shown in Payee column of ledger book?
>> backward compatibility, some users still use it, so I can't remove.

Q: HomeBank 5.8 doesn't propose me any target transaction no matter what. In the dialog I have to define source account and target account, otherwise there is no possibility to click Add. So what transaction could be proposed if source and target are defined?
>> if there is no existing txn, then the list will be empty, just create new.

Q: It seems to me there are some transfer transactions in my file, but adding a transfer doesn't show any previous transfers. Instead, HomeBank writes: Target association suggested / No transaction match.
>> check the criteria described into the documentation

The matching criteria of transaction are:

    transaction not already an internal transfer
    date is +/-nb days set in Transfer behavior section of the preferences.
    same currency: amount is exact opposite the source amount
    diff. currency: amount is +/-10% opposite the source amount