Restarting petrol consumption tracking

Asked by Lindsay Lorden

I've been tracking the petrol usage of our 2nd car for a couple of years. Last December we lent it to family as their car broke down.

Now they have got it repaired, we will be getting our car back and I'd like to restart tracking petrol consumption. Has anyone dealt with this situation? I suspect I need to create a new subcategory for this, or does someone know a tricky "MEMO" or other coding I can do that won't throw up weird values within the Vehicle Cost Report.

Creating a test fill-up entry for when we get it back shows I'd get a line that reports I did all the Kms they did using just fuel showing on the next fill-up (as I expected).
Example: I entered a potential sample transaction which resulted in the report showing ....

Date Meter Fuel Price Amount Dist. 100 km km/l
27/02/24 133458 km 20.40 l $ 2.98 $ -60.98 9081 km 0.22 l 445.9 km

This I suspect means I need a new sub-category going forward (or rename the current to "xxx .. pre2024" then recreate the current name), unless someone knows a trick to being able to use the existing category.


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HomeBank Edit question
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Lindsay Lorden
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jone smith (elixzwdewo) said (last edit ):

It seems like you're using a tool or software to track your vehicle expenses and fuel consumption. If you want to continue tracking the petrol usage seamlessly, you could consider creating a new sub-category for the period when your family had the car. This way, you can maintain a clear record and avoid any confusion in your reports. If your current tool allows for memos or notes, you could also add a specific memo to each entry during that period to distinguish it from the rest. This should help you maintain accurate records without the need for extensive changes in your existing categories see more info:

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Lindsay Lorden (ludwigwn) said :

I'm using HomeBank's inbuilt Vehicle Cost feature to do it.

I think I'll rename the existing ('previous') transaction category as "catname - pre24" and recreate the "catname" for my new transactions.

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Lindsay Lorden (ludwigwn) said (last edit ):

Seems there's only one solution, with two ways to achieve it -

Step A:
1. Start a new category, leaving current one alone.

-- or --

2. Rename the existing category, which will re-categorise all current current transactions. Then recreate the original.

Step B:
Mark the "old" category as 'closed' (toggle the 'Show/Hide' flag in Manage Categories) to avoid accidental use in the future.

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hassileo (hassileo) said :

It seems like you're using a tracking system to monitor petrol consumption for your vehicle. If you want to restart tracking the petrol consumption for your second car after it was lent to family, there are a few options you could consider:
Answer Source

Create a new subcategory: This is a straightforward approach. You can create a new subcategory specifically for tracking petrol consumption for the period after you've got your car back. This keeps the data separate and allows you to easily distinguish between the periods before and after the car was lent out.

Rename the current subcategory: You can rename the existing subcategory to something like "xxx .. pre2024" to indicate that it contains data up to 2023, and then create a new subcategory for tracking petrol consumption from 2024 onwards. This maintains continuity with your existing data while still allowing you to start fresh.

Use tagging or labeling: Some tracking systems allow you to apply tags or labels to entries. You could consider tagging or labeling entries related to petrol consumption for easy filtering and analysis. You could tag entries related to the period after you got your car back with a specific label, making it easier to track and analyze separately.

Adjust initial fill-up entry: If your tracking system allows it, you could adjust the initial fill-up entry for when you get your car back to account for the distance traveled while it was lent out. This would involve entering the correct starting odometer reading and fuel consumption data to accurately reflect the petrol consumption from that point onwards.

Contact support or consult documentation: If you're using specific software for tracking petrol consumption, it might have features or functionalities designed to handle scenarios like this. Consider reaching out to their support team or consulting their documentation for guidance on how to best handle restarting tracking after a period of absence.

Ultimately, the approach you choose will depend on your specific tracking system and preferences. Consider which option best suits your needs in terms of organization, accuracy, and ease of use.

Revision history for this message
Lindsay Lorden (ludwigwn) said (last edit ):

Thanks for the post, but given this is a question is posted under the HomeBank software, you can definitely assume this is what I'm using to do my tracking. Refer to entry #2 above, dated 2024-03-07.

I not looking at/for any 'other' software to do it.