Comment 4 for bug 1451629

Revision history for this message
Nguyen Dinh Hai (nguyendinhhai11) wrote :

Thanks Steve Barker so much for pointing me.
Could you please show me detailed steps what I have to do and where or which files should i have to modify here.
I am using virtual box to bring tacker up and devstack for installation. Tacker and openstack is new with me.
From my understanding, you meant that I would have to modify openwrt.yaml with your suggested. Is this right ? or what else here ?
i saw in port_security_enabled alreade was set false.

template_name: OpenWRT
 description: Virtual WRT opensource router

   Id: openwrt-vnfd
   vendor: tacker
   version: 1
     - router
     - firewall

     id: vdu1
     vm_image: OpenWRT
     instance_type: m1.tiny
     service_type: firewall
     mgmt_driver: openwrt

         network: net_mgmt
         management: True
         network: net0
         network: net1

       availability_zone: nova

     auto-scaling: noop

     monitoring_policy: ping
     failure_policy: respawn


       param0: key0
       param1: key1
    def _process_vdu_network_interfaces(self, vdu_id, vdu_dict, properties,
        def make_port_dict():
            port_dict = {
                'type': 'OS::Neutron::Port',
                'properties': {
                    'port_security_enabled': False
            port_dict['properties'].setdefault('fixed_ips', [])
            return port_dict