gnoMint 0.5.0 "two and a half milestones left"

I'm pleased to announce the 0.5.0 version of gnoMint: a graphical
X.509 Certification Authority managing tool.

This version adds some interesting features: multiple CA support, support for 20-byte serial certificates, support for inherit subject fields from certification authorities, detailed certificate view, French translation and now, a default database ~/.gnomint/default.gnomint is opened when the program is launched.

Some other errors have been fixed too.

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Code name:
two and a half milestones left
David MarĂ­n
Release registered:
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Release notes 

I'm pleased to announce the 0.5.0 version of gnoMint: a graphical X.509 Certification Authority managing tool.

This version adds some interesting features:

    * Multiple CA support. Now, each gnoMint database is able to keep and manage several CAs and their generated certificates. These certificates can be other CAs. It's possible to have a multi-rooted database, with several self-signed CA certificates.
    * Support for 20-byte serial certificates, according to RFC5280.
    * Support for inherit subject fields from certification authorities, depending on each CA policy.
    * Detailed certificate view (thanks to Ahmed Baizid ).
    * French translation (also by Ahmed Baizid ).
    * Now, a default database ~/.gnomint/default.gnomint is opened if no other indication is given.
    * It now registers a new mime type for gnoMint databases, so they can be loaded with double-click.

Several bugs has been fixed:

    * There was a discrepancy between the shown serial number and the serial number kept in the certificates. Now it's fixed, and the serial number is shown as in other programs. This can produce very high
      numbers while loading previously-created gnoMint databases, but backwards support is kept.
    * There was a problem when signing a CSR whose private key had been extracted from the database: the link between the new resulting certificate and the file keeping the private key got lost. Fixed now.

Please, enjoy it, and notify any bug you find.


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