Why can't I open the properties dialog?

Created by technoshaun

There was a change in the XML code for buttons. The new format for buttons is:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<content type="Button">
<ContentData Name="VAX" Author="Shaun Marolf" Copyright="Vaxxipooh"/>
<theme Top="0" id="HasTop">
 <Background Image="start-here.png" ImagePressed="start-here-depressed.png" ImageHover="start-here-glow.png"/>

The new line, <Background Image="start-here.png" ImagePressed="start-here-depressed.png" ImageHover="start-here-glow.png"/> needs to be present in the XML code of the button to work correctly.

If you cannot get the properties dialog to open then use the following command "sudo gedit /usr/share/gnomenu/Themes/Button/<themename>/themedata.xml and add the new line as shown. Log out and then log back in to employ the change.