Comment 2 for bug 571230

Revision history for this message
bojo42 (bojo42) wrote :

puh that was quick :) but i didn't get it to work, i fetched rev 66 and created ignore_inbox with gconf-editor and even manipulated the mtime in the xml file, then restarted it. it just keeps notifying for the inbox too. any clue? or how can i provide more feedback?

beside really thanking you for your quick reaction and work, i like to argue with you about the importance of this. ;) i think this feature isn't rare, as for example it's the default way of Mail Notification dealing with Gmail's labels. allowing to stick to only certain labels is a basic way of email managment. just think of an inbox that receives a lot of income, then people often use Gmail's filter abilities to label them and sort out what's important or not. without restricting to labels your email notification program will interrupt you in your work on any unimportant messages and won't grab the low hanging fruit by using the existing filters/labels for notification management.

Therefore i would really vote for an inclusion of a small checkbox in the gui. please :)