g-api complaining about 'connection_errors' in 'RabbitStrategy'

Asked by Marc PINHEDE


When I tried to setup a new devstack this morning, the script 'stack.sh' failed on starting glance-api.

+ screen -S stack -p g-api -X stuff 'cd /opt/stack/glance; /usr/local/bin/glance-api --config-file=/etc/glance/glance-api.conf '| touch "/opt/stack/status/stack/g-api.failure"
+ echo 'Waiting for g-api ( to start...'
Waiting for g-api ( to start...
+ timeout 60 sh -c 'while ! http_proxy= wget -q -O-; do sleep 1; done'
+ die 191 'g-api did not start'
+ local exitcode=0
+ set +o xtrace
[ERROR] stack.sh:191 g-api did not start

I then tried to start glance-api manually:
/opt/stack/devstack$ cd /opt/stack/glance; /usr/local/bin/glance-api --config-file=/etc/glance/glance-api.conf

After some debug lines, I got a critical error: 'RabbitStrategy' object has no attribute 'connection_errors'

Last log lines:
2013-06-19 10:56:58.727 16957 DEBUG glance.common.config [-] Loading glance-api-keystone+cachemanagement from /etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini load_paste_app /opt/stack/glance/glance/common/config.py:210
2013-06-19 10:56:58.763 16957 WARNING glance.api.v2.images [-] Could not find schema properties file schema-image.json. Continuing without custom properties
2013-06-19 10:56:58.861 16957 DEBUG glance.notifier [-] Converted strategy alias rabbit to glance.notifier.notify_kombu.RabbitStrategy __init__ /opt/stack/glance/glance/notifier/__init__.py:63
2013-06-19 10:56:58.870 16957 INFO glance.notifier.notify_kombu [-] Connecting to AMQP server on localhost:5672
2013-06-19 10:56:58.896 16957 CRITICAL glance [-] 'RabbitStrategy' object has no attribute 'connection_errors'

Considering this bug only seems to affect me, and git is up-to-date on my computer, have you any ideas of what could cause this error?

Thanks in advance!

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Revision history for this message
Marc PINHEDE (pinhede-marc) said :

The error is generated by line 123, file glance/notifier/notify_kombu.py
Indeed, 'connection_errors' is not an attribute of RabbitStrategy.

Revision history for this message
Marc PINHEDE (pinhede-marc) said :

Hi again,

Fixed temporarily by modifying direclty sources: file glance/notifier/notify_kombu.py, l123

'self.connection_errors = self.connection.connection_errors'
replaced by
'self.connection_errors = Exception'

Maybe not very accurate but it works.