
Asked by Xavier


I am trying to manually install Fluidity on a computer (Debian) and I have issue with one of the required external librabry, PETCs.
According to Fluidity manual prometheus should be installed with PETCs:
./configure ... --with-prometheus=1 --download-prometheus=1 ... However link to download prometheus is broken and even with another link PETCs installation fails.
Do you know if there is any problem with Fluidity if prometheus is not installed with PETCs ? Without it Fluidity installation seems to be ok but I do not know if it is necessary for advanced use.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Fluidity Edit question
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Solved by:
Stephan Kramer
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Revision history for this message
Tim Greaves (tim-greaves) said :

Hi Xavier,

I'm no PETSc expert (I'll leave that to Stephan to comment!) but to check - is there a reason you're not just using the system package for PETSc here? I think any up to date version Debian should have something that Fluidity supports.


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Best Stephan Kramer (s-kramer) said :

Hi Xavier,

You're right: it looks like the recommended configure options for petsc are out of date, prometheus doesn't actually exist any more. In fact, if you're building petsc 3.4 you should also not use the --download-parmetis options as that will link petsc with a version of parmetis that conflicts with the one that fluidity uses (something that unfortunately only shows up at run-time with obscure errors).

However if you are on Debian you can also very well use the distribution's petsc,

sudo apt-get install petsc-dev

should do the trick. If you want to build petsc yourself, the following options worked for me with petsc 3.4

--download-fblaslapack=1 --download-blacs=1 --download-scalapack=1 --download-ptscotch=1 --download-mumps=1 --download-hypre=1 --download-suitesparse=1 --download-ml=1

This avoids the parmetis issue I mentioned above, by replacing it with ptscotch. In the mean time I'll have a go at updating that manual section. Thanks a lot for flagging this up


Revision history for this message
Xavier (xavier-kuhn) said :

I had no PETSc and no root access so I manually installed PETSc 3.3p7 by reading the manual. When I will uptdate it, I will take care of Parmetis.
Thanks for your help.

Revision history for this message
Xavier (xavier-kuhn) said :

Thanks Stephan Kramer, that solved my question.