Unstable when using pressure as a boundary source
Dear all,
I've try to simulate the water flow into a channel with 2 piers,
and use Pressure as a source at the west boundary. but it would be easily
unstable at boundary (four sides or pier sides). Is there any other way
can help it to be much stable.
Any comment is appreciated. Thanks.
# model set
lenth= 200 m (X direction)
width= 25 m (Y direction)
depth= 1 m (one layer at Z direction)
radius=2.5 m
West boundary : constant value = 9.81 in Pressure( as 1m surface elevation)
others boundary : No normal flow
The geo and flml file contains is below
#------ pier_tsu.geo ------
// ---------------
// | |
// | O O |
// | |
// ---------------
//V=1,L=4.6, nu=0.01 Re=V*L/nu=460
// center coordinate
xc=0; yc=0; // model center
xp1=xc-6.5; yp1=yc; // south pier center 6.6
xp2=xc+6.5; yp2=yc; // north pier center 6.6
rad = 2.5; // pier radius rad = 2.1
d1s=10; // resolution at boumdary 50
d2=5; // 5
d3=2; // resolution at pier
// boundary
Point(1) = {xc-1*wlen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d1s};
Point(2) = {xc-1*wlen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d1s};
Point(3) = {xc-0.6*wlen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d2};
Point(4) = {xc+0.6*elen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d2};
Point(5) = {xc+1*elen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d1n};
Point(6) = {xc+1*elen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d1n};
Point(7) = {xc+0.6*elen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d2};
Point(8) = {xc-0.6*wlen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d2};
Line(1) = {1, 2};
Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4};
Line(4) = {4, 5};
Line(5) = {5, 6};
Line(6) = {6, 7};
Line(7) = {7, 8};
Line(8) = {8, 1};
Point(9) = {xp1, yp1, 0, d3};
Point(10) = {xp1-rad, yp1, 0, d3};
Point(11) = {xp1+rad, yp1, 0, d3};
Circle(9) = {10, 9, 11};
Circle(10) = {11, 9, 10};
Point(12) = {xp2, yp2, 0, d3};
Point(13) = {xp2-rad, yp2, 0, d3};
Point(14) = {xp2+rad, yp2, 0, d3};
Circle(11) = {13, 12, 14};
Circle(12) = {14, 12, 13};
Line Loop(11) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; //BOUNDARY
Line Loop(12) = {9,10}; // SOUTH PIER
Line Loop(13) = {11,12}; // NORTH PIER
Plane Surface(14) = {11,12,13};
Physical Line(1) = {1}; //E
Physical Line(2) = {2,3,4}; //S
Physical Line(3) = {5}; //W
Physical Line(4) = {6,7,8}; //N
Physical Line(5) = {9,10,11,12}; // WEST EAST PIERS
Physical Surface(6) = {14};
#------ pier_tsu.flml ------
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<string_value lines="
<string_value lines="
<mesh name="Coordinat
<mesh name="InputMesh"/>
<regions name="WholeMesh">
<mesh name="VelocityM
<mesh name="Coordinat
<mesh name="PressureM
<mesh name="Coordinat
<mesh name="InputMesh">
<from_file file_name=
<format name="triangle"/>
<scalar_field name="DistanceT
<mesh name="Coordinat
<scalar_field name="DistanceT
<mesh name="Coordinat
<real_value rank="0"
<output_mesh name="VelocityM
<real_value rank="0"
<time_units date="seconds since 1987-01-05 00:00.0"/>
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<mesh name="VelocityM
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<vector_field name="GravityDi
<mesh name="Coordinat
<value name="gravity">
<material_phase name="Fields">
<scalar_field name="Pressure" rank="0">
<mesh name="PressureM
<type name="dirichlet">
from math import cosh
return eta*g</comment>
<scalar_field name="Density" rank="0">
<algorithm name="Internal" material_
<mesh name="VelocityM
<vector_field name="Velocity" rank="1">
<mesh name="VelocityM
<equation name="Boussinesq"/>
<type name="free_
<type name="no_
<type name="drag">
<value name="WholeMesh">
<scalar_field name="FreeSurface" rank="0">
<algorithm name="Internal" material_
<mesh name="PressureM
詳細內容參見 Guan-Yu Chen, Chin-Chu Liu, and Cheng-Chung Yao, 2014, A Forecast System for Offshore Water Surface Elevation With Inundation Map Integrated for Tsunami Early Warning, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, doi: 10.1109/
Umlauf_2003_A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models
selenium could not get document from window handle
寄件者: Samuel Parkinson (<email address hidden>)
寄件日期: 2014年1月9日 上午 09:35:56
收件者: liu chin chi (<email address hidden>)
That is definitely a possibility. K- epsilon is not implemented for a DG velocity field.
I would suggest using p1p1 for velocity and pressure, p1 CV is a good choice for all other fields.
Hi Sam,
When using no slip boundary, it would blow up more quickly.
would it also caused by the element pair choice.( I taked "P1DGP2")
appreciate your patience
Hi Sam,
I make a mistake of using a drag boundary instead of no slip boundary.
I'm re-running the case now and would post the result letter.
Sorry to be confusing.
Hi Jon,
When the K-E be turned off, the model would be stable after 15 second.
Hi Sam,
I've tested slip and no slip on the pier(Both used no slip on the bottom),
and Both get unstable at about 9 second.
I'll try to modify the diffusion, viscosity and a higher resolution next.
thanks your comments.
any comment appreciated. thanks.
dear all,
i've try to simulate a local scour around a pier with sediment model build in FLUIDITY.
subgridscale parameterisatio
I've try to turn off sediment model, or modify the grid resolution and background viscosity but still
can't let "TurbulentDissi
any comment is appreciated. thanks.
# box set
Length:0.36 m
Width:0.36 m
Height:0.07 m
radius(pier):0.03 m
# velocity boundary
west : a constant velocity 0.2 m/s (inlet)
east : zero-gradient boundary conditions (outlet)
south and north : free slide wall
top : free surface
bottom : no normal flow and drag
pier : no normal flow
the geo and flml content is attached below.
# --- pier_scour.geo ---
rad = 0.03; //0.03
d1=0.03; //0.03
d3=0.01; //0.01
len=0.36; //0.36
wid=0.36; //0.36
Point(1) = {-0.5*len, -0.5*wid, 0, d1};
Point(2) = { 0.5*len, -0.5*wid, 0, d1};
Point(3) = { 0.5*len, 0.5*wid, 0, d1};
Point(4) = {-0.5*len, 0.5*wid, 0, d1};
Line(1) = {1, 2};
Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4};
Line(4) = {4, 1};
Point(5) = {0, 0, 0, d3};
Point(6) = {0, 0+rad, 0, d3};
Point(7) = {0+rad, 0, 0, d3};
Point(8) = {0, 0-rad, 0, d3};
Point(9) = {0-rad, 0, 0, d3};
Circle(5) = {6, 5, 7};
Circle(6) = {7, 5, 8};
Circle(7) = {8, 5, 9};
Circle(8) = {9, 5, 6};
Line Loop(13) = {1,2,3,4};
Line Loop(14) = {5,6,7,8};
Plane Surface(15) = {13,14};
//Plane Surface(8) = {13};
Physical Line(7) = {1}; //S
Physical Line(8) = {2}; //E
Physical Line(9) = {3}; //N
Physical Line(10) = {4}; //W
Physical Line(11) = {5,6,7,8}; //pier
Physical Surface(12) = {15};
# --- pier_scour.flml ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<mesh name="Coordinat
<mesh name="VelocityM
<mesh name="PressureM
<mesh name="InputMesh">
<mesh name="BaseMesh">
<material_phase name="Fields">
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- Fluidity Edit question
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
- Solved by:
- liu chin chi
- Solved:
- Last query:
- Last reply: