How do I install Fluidity on Fedora?

Created by Tim Greaves

The Fluidity project formally supports users of Fedora 19 via a set of RPM packages. These provide both a binary build of Fluidity and also a development environment for building Fluidity from source code.

At present, only Fedora 19 is supported; Fedora 20 provides only VTK6 which is not yet supported by the Fluidity configure scripts. However, all packages required for building on Fedora 20 are ready for use and as soon as VTK6 support is present Fedora 20 is expected to be fully supported by Fluidity packages.

The Fluidity repository containing packages for installing Fluidity and its development environment can be enabled as follows, assuming your account has sudo privileges:

 cd /tmp
 sudo mv /tmp/fluidity.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

To install a binary package of Fluidity which can be run from the command line, including the relevant supporting software, run:

 sudo yum install fluidity

To install the necessary package set for building Fluidity, run:

 sudo yum install fluidity-dev