How do I install Fluidity on OpenSuSE?

Created by Tim Greaves
Last updated by:
Tim Greaves

The Fluidity project offers support for OpenSuSE users in the form of packages which provide a binary distribution of Fluidity and a development environment for building Fluidity.

At present, only OpenSuSE 12.3 is supported; 13.1 provides only VTK6 which is not yet supported by the Fluidity configure scripts. However, all packages required for building on 13.1 are ready for use and as soon as VTK6 support is present OpenSuSE 13.1 is expected to be fully supported by Fluidity packages.

The Fluidity project YaST repository can be added on an OpenSuSE 12.3 system with the following command:

 sudo zypper ar -f Fluidity

The Fluidity binary package can then be installed with:

 sudo zypper install fluidity

The Fluidity development environment can be installed with:

 sudo zypper install fluidity-dev