How do I compile Fluidity?

Created by Tim Bond
compiling fluidity
Last updated by:
Jon Hill

Having checked out a copy of Fluidity, what are the steps required to compile it?

The first step is to check out fluidity from Launchpad, and as a beginning user the stable trunk is probably suitable:

 bzr co lp:fluidity -r stable

This will checkout the most recent stable version of the trunk into a directory called fluidity. Note that the fluidity manual is available in the manual directory.


To read the manual, you need to type


from the manual directory and a pdf will be generated.

You can also download the release version from, rather than using bzr.

If you're using a Ubuntu system with the 'fluidity-dev' package installed from ppa:fluidity-core/ppa , set up the PETSc environment by typing

 module load petsc-gcc4

Then, in order to configure fluidity, change into the 'fluidity' directory:

 cd fluidity/

and type


If you wish to use adaptivity in 2d, note that fluidity does not automatically configure with 2d adaptivity. To configure with 2d adaptivity type

 ./configure --enable-2d-adaptivity

instead of the previous two lines.

If this doesn't work for some reason, type

 ./configure --help

to list the options that are available. Also see the manual for more information.