some questions about installation on Ubuntu 14.04

Asked by Wang Yaqiong

My work is to establish model of different materials, and I make use of "wall-ball" and "ball-ball" bond interaction in my script.

Due to some bugs on my computer when I ran some scripts, I reinstalled ESyS-Particle2.3.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 according to this tutorial: , but I found particles connected through bond interactions were not stable. The displacement in z and x direction is not zero even though I did not have any force, friction statement in my script ( in the script, I only created the particles that were bonded together without any other processing), and the e_kin is also not zero. But I do not have that problem before my reinstallation.

My question is:
1. Is there any problems with my installation according to that tutorial? (After my installation, I could successfully run the
2. Should I reinstall the latest version of ESyS-Particle.2.3.5 on Ubuntu14.04? Is that system compatible with the latest version?
3. If there is no problem with my installation, what could be the potential reason of that abnormal phenomenon?

Here is my script:
from esys.lsm import *
import math
from esys.lsm.util import *
from esys.lsm.geometry import *

#instantiate a simulation object and
#initialise the neighbour search algorithm:
sim = LsmMpi (numWorkerProcesses =1 , mpiDimList = [1,1,1])
sim.initNeighbourSearch (
 particleType = "RotSphere",
 gridSpacing = 0.002, #>=2.5*Rmax+0.2*Rmin
 verletDist = 0.00003 #>=0.2*Rmin

############################# constants parameters ##################################
alfa = 1e6
rhos = 910.0*alfa
dMu=0.37; sMu=dMu
kr=1.0; eta=0.10

########################### geometry ##############################################
rmin = 0.00005
rmax=.0006 # xin Sat 17 Oct 2020 02:39:24 PM CST
######################## Shear Control #############################################
wallName = ["top_wall", "bottom_wall"]
meshName = ["left_mesh_wall", "right_mesh_wall"]
interactionName = ["top_repel", "bow_repel"]
norm = [Vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), Vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]

shear_dispRate = shear_StrainRate
v_bottom_Plate = Vec3(-1.0,0.0,0)*shear_dispRate

p0 = 100000 # the iso pressure
normalForce = norm[0]*p0*0.01*0.01

############################ Physical properties ##################################
M_PI = 3.141592653
GM_PoissonsRatio = 0.25;
GM_YoungsModulus = 6.936e5
GM_ShearModulus = GM_YoungsModulus / (2.0*(1.0+GM_PoissonsRatio))
GM_BulkModulus = GM_YoungsModulus / (3.0*(1.0-2*GM_PoissonsRatio))
GM_ks=GM_kpn/ (2.0*(1.0+GM_PoissonsRatio))
kn=1e9 #normal stiffness of wall-ball contact

########################### simulation time control #################################
#specify the number of timesteps and the timestep increment:
dt = 0.1*math.sqrt(4/3*math.pi*rmin**3*rhos/(math.pi*GT_YoungsModulus*rmin)) #Sat 17 Oct 2020 02:42:19 PM CST
print 'dt = ', dt
sim.setNumTimeSteps (1000)
sim.setTimeStepSize (dt)
#specify the spatial domain for the simulation:
domain = BoundingBox(Vec3(-0.5,-0.1,-0.04), Vec3(1,0.1,0.12))
sim.setSpatialDomain(bBox=domain, circDimList=[False,False,False])
sim.readGeometry("GM.geo") # I wrote the particles and connections in this script

Num = sim.getNumParticles()
print 'total number of particles in the model: ',Num





#add translational viscous damping:
sim.createInteractionGroup (


#create a FieldSaver to store the total kinetic energy of the particles:
sim.createFieldSaver (

#add a CheckPointer to store simulation data:
  fileNamePrefix = "01snapshot",
  beginTimeStep = 0,
  endTimeStep = 800000000,
  timeStepIncr = 100

#execute the simulation:

Question information

English Edit question
ESyS-Particle Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Dion Weatherley
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Dion Weatherley (d-weatherley) said :

Hi Yaqiong,

Given that you were able to execute correctly, ESyS-Particle is installed correctly. The problems you are having are more likely arising from your simulation script and/or your geometry file.

Looking at your script, it is possible that your timestep increment is not small enough. You have set dt like this:
dt = 0.1*math.sqrt(4/3*math.pi*rmin**3*rhos/(math.pi*GT_YoungsModulus*rmin))

(I think GT_YoungsModulus should be changed to GM_YoungsModulus)

However, the density of your particles is 1000.0*alfa, which is larger than rhos (=910.0*alpha). Also, the maximum stiffness in your model is math.pi*GM_YoungsModulus*rmax (not rmin). Consequently, I would set dt like this:
dt = 0.1*math.sqrt(4/3*math.pi*rmin**3*1000.0*alfa/(math.pi*GM_YoungsModulus*rmax))

Non-zero initial kinetic energy also may be expected if the bonded particles in your geometry file are not all separated by their equilibrium distance (r0 = r1 + r2). This can often happen just due to round-off errors induced by defining positions with a low number of decimal places in the geometry file. Generally this is not a major problem, particularly if you are using damping. These initial fluctuations in kinetic energy will be very low amplitude and should decay quickly. You may not have observed this with your previous installation because older versions of ESyS-Particle set the equilibrium distance equal to the initial separation of two bonded particles.

I would also recommend that you convert from using RotBondedPrms to using BrittleBeamPrms. The latter interaction is mathematically identical but takes fewer input parameters that are easier to calibrate:
BrittleBeamPrms (
   name = 'pp_bonds',
   youngsModulus = GM_YoungsModulus,
   poissonsRatio = GM_PoissonsRatio,
   cohesion = GM_cohesiveStrength,
   tanAngle = GM_tanFrictionAngle,
   tag = 1
You will need to specify the strength of bonds using parameters GM_cohesiveStrength (in stress units; e.g. 100MPa) and GM_tanFrictionAngle (I would usually set this equal to 1).

There is also a corresponding FrictionPrms, that takes similar parameters:
FrictionPrms (
   name = 'pp_friction',
   youngsModulus = GM_YoungsModulus,
   poissonsRatio = GM_PoissonsRatio,
   dynamicMu = 0.6,
   staticMu = 0.6

The scaling of elastic stiffnesses and breaking forces is calculated internally when using these interaction groups, according to linear elastic beam theory and a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Generally these two interactions work very well and have been tested for a very broad range of Young's moduli and cohesive strengths.

If you continue to have problems, please post your new script and your geometry file so I can try out your simulation model myself.



Revision history for this message
Wang Yaqiong (wangyaqiong) said :

Mr Weatherley:

Thank you so much for your answer.

I reinstall ESyS-2.3.5 this morning, and revised the script as your suggestion. But there is still the same problem I met yesterday. The figure output from paraview showed that particles have displacement in x and z direction, and the bond interaction did not break, but it deformed greatly. Also, non-zero initial kinetic energy increased gradually.

here is my script:

#import the appropriate ESyS-Particle modules:
from esys.lsm import *
import math
from esys.lsm.util import *
from esys.lsm.geometry import *
from directshearcontrol import *

#instantiate a simulation object and
#initialise the neighbour search algorithm:
sim = LsmMpi (numWorkerProcesses =1 , mpiDimList = [1,1,1])
sim.initNeighbourSearch (
 particleType = "RotSphere",
 gridSpacing = 0.002, #>=2.5*Rmax+0.2*Rmin
 verletDist = 0.00003 #>=0.2*Rmin

############################# constants parameters ##################################
alfa = 1e6
rhos = 910.0*alfa
dMu=0.37; sMu=dMu

########################### geometry ##############################################
############################ Physical properties for GM ##################################
M_PI = 3.141592653
GM_PoissonsRatio = 0.25;
GM_YoungsModulus = 6.936e5
GM_ShearModulus = GM_YoungsModulus / (2.0*(1.0+GM_PoissonsRatio))
GM_BulkModulus = GM_YoungsModulus / (3.0*(1.0-2*GM_PoissonsRatio))
GM_ks=GM_kpn/ (2.0*(1.0+GM_PoissonsRatio))
GM_tanFrictionAngle = 1
GM_cohesiveStrength = GM_ks*1e9
kn=1e9 #normal stiffness of wall-ball contact

############################ Physical properties for GT ##################################
GT_PoissonsRatio = 0.15;
GT_YoungsModulus = 0.8385e9
GT_ShearModulus = GT_YoungsModulus / (2.0*(1.0+GT_PoissonsRatio))
GT_BulkModulus = GT_YoungsModulus / (3.0*(1.0-2*GT_PoissonsRatio))
GT_ks=GT_kpn/ (2.0*(1.0+GT_PoissonsRatio))
GT_tanFrictionAngle = 1
GT_cohesiveStrength = GT_ks*1e9
########################### simulation time control #################################
#specify the number of timesteps and the timestep increment:

GT_dt = 0.1*math.sqrt(4/3*math.pi*R_GT**3*rhos/(math.pi*GT_YoungsModulus*R_GT)) #Sat 17 Oct 2020 02:42:19 PM CST
GM_dt = 0.1*math.sqrt(4/3*math.pi*R_GM**3*1000.0*alfa/(math.pi*GM_YoungsModulus*R_GM))
print 'dt = ', GM_dt
sim.setNumTimeSteps (100000)
sim.setTimeStepSize (GM_dt)
#specify the spatial domain for the simulation:
domain = BoundingBox(Vec3(-0.5,-0.1,-0.04), Vec3(1,0.1,0.12))
sim.setSpatialDomain(bBox=domain, circDimList=[False,False,False])

Num = sim.getNumParticles()
print 'total number of particles in the model: ',Num




#initialise bond interactions for gm particles:



#initialise frictional interactions for unbonded particles:

sim.createInteractionGroup (




#add translational viscous damping:
sim.createInteractionGroup (

################# ###################

#create a FieldSaver to store the total kinetic energy of the particles:
sim.createFieldSaver (

#add a CheckPointer to store simulation data:
  fileNamePrefix = "01snapshot",
  beginTimeStep = 0,
  endTimeStep = 800000000,
  timeStepIncr = 100

#create a FieldSaver to wall forces:
RAW2_NormalForcesaver = InteractionVectorFieldSaverPrms(
#create a FieldSaver to wall forces:
RAW2_NormalForcesaver = InteractionVectorFieldSaverPrms(

#execute the simulation:

################################################here is my geo file: the particles have initial overlaps according to the material's facial property#########################################

LSMGeometry 1.2
BoundingBox -0.5 -0.1 -0.04 1 0.1,0.12
PeriodicBoundaries 0 0 0
Dimension 3D
0.0 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100000 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100001 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100002 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100003 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100004 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100005 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100006 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100007 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100008 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100009 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100010 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100011 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100012 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100013 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100014 1000000
0.0 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100015 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100016 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100017 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100018 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100019 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100020 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100021 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100022 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100023 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100024 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100025 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100026 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100027 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100028 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100029 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100030 1000000
0.00066 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100031 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100032 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100033 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100034 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100035 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100036 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100037 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100038 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100039 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100040 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100041 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100042 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100043 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100044 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100045 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100046 1000000
0.00132 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100047 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100048 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100049 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100050 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100051 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100052 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100053 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100054 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100055 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100056 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100057 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100058 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100059 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100060 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100061 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100062 1000000
0.00198 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100063 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100064 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100065 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100066 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100067 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100068 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100069 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100070 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100071 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100072 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100073 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100074 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100075 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100076 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100077 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100078 1000000
0.00264 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100079 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100080 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100081 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100082 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100083 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100084 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100085 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100086 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100087 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100088 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100089 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100090 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100091 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100092 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100093 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100094 1000000
0.0033 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100095 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100096 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100097 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100098 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100099 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100100 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100101 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100102 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100103 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100104 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100105 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100106 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100107 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100108 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100109 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100110 1000000
0.00396 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100111 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100112 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100113 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100114 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100115 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100116 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100117 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100118 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100119 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100120 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100121 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100122 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100123 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100124 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100125 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100126 1000000
0.00462 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100127 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100128 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100129 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100130 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100131 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100132 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100133 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100134 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100135 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100136 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100137 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100138 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100139 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100140 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100141 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100142 1000000
0.00528 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100143 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100144 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100145 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100146 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100147 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100148 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100149 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100150 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100151 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100152 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100153 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100154 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100155 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100156 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100157 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100158 1000000
0.00594 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100159 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100160 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100161 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100162 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100163 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100164 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100165 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100166 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100167 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100168 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100169 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100170 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100171 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100172 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100173 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100174 1000000
0.0066 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100175 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100176 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100177 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100178 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100179 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100180 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100181 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100182 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100183 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100184 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100185 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100186 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100187 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100188 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100189 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100190 1000000
0.00726 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100191 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100192 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100193 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100194 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100195 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100196 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100197 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100198 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100199 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100200 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100201 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100202 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100203 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100204 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100205 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100206 1000000
0.00792 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100207 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100208 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100209 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100210 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100211 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100212 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100213 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100214 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100215 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100216 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100217 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100218 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100219 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100220 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100221 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100222 1000000
0.00858 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100223 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100224 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100225 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100226 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100227 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100228 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.0033 0.0006 100229 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00396 0.0006 100230 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00462 0.0006 100231 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00528 0.0006 100232 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00594 0.0006 100233 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.0066 0.0006 100234 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00726 0.0006 100235 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00792 0.0006 100236 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00858 0.0006 100237 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.00924 0.0006 100238 1000000
0.00924 -0.0021 0.0099 0.0006 100239 1000000
0.0099 -0.0021 0.0 0.0006 100240 1000000
0.0099 -0.0021 0.00066 0.0006 100241 1000000
0.0099 -0.0021 0.00132 0.0006 100242 1000000
0.0099 -0.0021 0.00198 0.0006 100243 1000000
0.0099 -0.0021 0.00264 0.0006 100244 1000000
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Revision history for this message
Dion Weatherley (d-weatherley) said :

Hi Yaqiong,

Thanks for providing more information. Unfortunately the initial geometry you are trying to construct is the source of the problems you are observing. I can see that the geometry consists of a rectangular grid of particles with bonds joining the corners and diagonals of each cell. The radii of the particles are very large causing considerable initial overlaps. I can see that this is what you intended, but ESyS-Particle is not designed for such geometrical configurations.

ESyS-Particle expects that adjacent particles will just touch each other when in equilibrium. The equilibrium distance between two bonded particles is equal to the sum of their radii. The initial geometry you have provided is far from this equilibrium configuration. The entire geometry is compressed and the diagonal bonds are also far from their equilibrium lengths. Non-zero initial kinetic energy is expected for such a configuration.

My suggestion would be to remove the diagonal bonds and also reduce the radii of all the particles so they are not overlapping initially. This should eliminate the problems you are observing.



Revision history for this message
Wang Yaqiong (wangyaqiong) said :

Dear Mr Weatherley:

Thank you for your suggestion.

The idea of overlapping particles to generate material comes from that article (Micro-mechanical analysis of geomembrane-sand interactions using DEM. ), which also make use of ESyS.

What was weird was that before my reinstallation, when I ran that script, kinetic energy kept zero.

It might be hard for me to give up the idea of overlapping particles, otherwise there would be holes on that material . I wonder if there is other way to solve it.

I will try more times. Thank you Dion !


Revision history for this message
Wang Yaqiong (wangyaqiong) said :

In another script, the equilibrium distance between two bonded particles is equal to the sum of their radii, but non-zero initial kinetic energy still exists.

Revision history for this message
Best Dion Weatherley (d-weatherley) said :

Hi Yaqiong,

Thanks for sending the link to the paper. I now have a better idea of what you are trying to simulate. Although I have not had time to study the paper in detail, it would appear that the Authors of that paper have implemented some additional features to simulate the geomembrane, which are not available within the official distribution of ESyS-Particle. I am aware of a number of papers by those Authors. They are very adept ESyS-Particle users and maintain a version of the code with a number of bespoke modifications to suit their research needs. I suggest you contact the Authors and ask them for more information about how they modelled the geomembrane and what modifications they made to ESyS-Particle in order to do that.

Regarding the non-zero initial kinetic energy for your two-particle test, it could be due to round-off error. I would need to see the script you used, as well as know which revision of the esys-particle/trunk you have installed on your system. Did you install revision 1217 from the bzr repository ( or did you install the stable release tarball from the homepage?



Revision history for this message
Wang Yaqiong (wangyaqiong) said :

Hi Mr Weatherley,

Thank you so much for your technical support!

I substitute some source code of ESyS, and now there seems to be alright during my simulation!



Revision history for this message
Wang Yaqiong (wangyaqiong) said :

Thanks Dion Weatherley, that solved my question.