unusual shifts

Asked by Rdtennent

I'm producing documents/images with text centered in pgf nodes. Using dvisvgm, the texts are increasingly shifted left of centre as you go from left to right; that is, the text is centred correctly in the leftmost node but increasingly off centre as you go right. This doesn't happen with pdflatex or dvips. Here is a MWE:

\geometry{noheadfoot, margin=0.5in}
\halfcourse 5,40:{}{Left}{}
\halfcourse 45,40:{}{Middle}{}
\halfcourse 85,40:{}{Right}{}

Process using latex '\PassOptionsToClass{dvisvgm}{article}\PassOptionsToPackage{hypertex}{hyperref}\input' file
followed by dvisvgm -n -L none -b 24 file

Realistic example:


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English Edit question
dvisvgm Edit question
Martin Gieseking Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Martin Gieseking (martin-gieseking) said :

The origin of the improper alignment is the mixture of measurement units in the code. While the DVI part is based on TeX point units, the PS interpreter uses PS points which are slightly bigger. In order to simplify the communication between the two worlds and to avoid such positioning issues, I'm going to switch all internal computations to PS points. Actually, the patch is almost complete already but needs a bit more testing before I commit it.

Revision history for this message
Rdtennent (rdtennent) said :

Thanks. I hope the revision will make it into TeXLive-2014. A heads-up to Karl may be in order.

Bob T.

Revision history for this message
Rdtennent (rdtennent) said :

Version 1.5.3 fixes this problem. Thanks.