Dexter - Old 0.15

Milestone information

Dexter - Old
Allen Lowe
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2 Adnane Belmadiaf, 11 Allen Lowe
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
13 Fix Released

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Release notes 

moved dexterconfig back to where it was so distutils could function correctly
updated translation template
fixed double clicking a contact (was broken in the refactor)
fixed bug 685677, right click menu now has a select all option
fixed bug 688177, dexter shows the last new contact imported after it finishes importing
made merge work automatically if there are no conflicts
fixed bug 688118, there is now a dialog for choosing the data you want when there are conflicts
fixed bug 685170, you can now select multiple contacts and merge them from the app menu
fixed bug 685053, dexter now has a cancel button next to the progress bar and a CancelImport dbus method
fixed bug 681168, can now import multiple vcards
merged in translation updates
fixed bug 685379, made Dexter handle a vcard passed in on the command line, and register itself for vcard mimetype
fixed bug 687534, can now run dexter from anywhere. Also, I made those startup warnings into debug messages instead of warnings
fixed bug 687528, enforce height on contact viewer header, by setting the height request of the vbox inside it to 75
tested building with the new python-distutils-extra. it does in fact solve the extra dependencies issue
made the main dexter window a subclass again, so that Dan's custom themeing works again
* Refixed bug 687304
updated translation template
merged in all the changes from 0.13 on
fixed a bug with last commit
more cleanup and refactoring
more refactor/cleanup
standardised function names in moved stuff from bin/dexter to
split widgets up
started to refactor code, moved into better structure
* Added a title for the new contact window * Centered the new contact/about/main windows
Launchpad automatic translations update.


View the full changelog

moved dexterconfig back to where it was so distutils could function correctly
updated translation template
fixed double clicking a contact (was broken in the refactor)
fixed bug 685677, right click menu now has a select all option
fixed bug 688177, dexter shows the last new contact imported after it finishes importing
made merge work automatically if there are no conflicts
fixed bug 688118, there is now a dialog for choosing the data you want when there are conflicts
fixed bug 685170, you can now select multiple contacts and merge them from the app menu
fixed bug 685053, dexter now has a cancel button next to the progress bar and a CancelImport dbus method
fixed bug 681168, can now import multiple vcards
merged in translation updates
fixed bug 685379, made Dexter handle a vcard passed in on the command line, and register itself for vcard mimetype
fixed bug 687534, can now run dexter from anywhere. Also, I made those startup warnings into debug messages instead of warnings
fixed bug 687528, enforce height on contact viewer header, by setting the height request of the vbox inside it to 75
tested building with the new python-distutils-extra. it does in fact solve the extra dependencies issue
made the main dexter window a subclass again, so that Dan's custom themeing works again
* Refixed bug 687304
updated translation template
merged in all the changes from 0.13 on
fixed a bug with last commit
more cleanup and refactoring
more refactor/cleanup
standardised function names in moved stuff from bin/dexter to
split widgets up
started to refactor code, moved into better structure
* Added a title for the new contact window * Centered the new contact/about/main windows
Launchpad automatic translations update.

0 blueprints and 13 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
687534 #687534 Can't run Dexter outside of build folder after .ui file refactoring 2 Critical Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685170 #685170 Allow merging of contacts 3 High Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685379 #685379 Dexter should be the default for vCards 3 High Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685512 #685512 .vcard can't be imported 3 High Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
681168 #681168 allow importing multiple vcards at once 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685053 #685053 No way to cancel import of many contacts 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685677 #685677 Add "select all" to right click menu in contact list 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
686612 #686612 Translators should be credited 4 Medium Adnane Belmadiaf  10 Fix Released
687304 #687304 Labels are too large when they are translated 4 Medium Adnane Belmadiaf  10 Fix Released
687688 #687688 Dexter should import vCards passed as command line args 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
688118 #688118 Merging contacts overwrites conflicting data 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
687528 #687528 enforce a static header size 5 Low Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
688177 #688177 Show new contact after import 5 Low Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
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