Dexter - Old 0.14

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Dexter - Old
Allen Lowe
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9 Allen Lowe
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9 Fix Released

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Release notes 

made pressing search clear button give focus back to contact list
fixed bug 686849, enter key does nothing in NewcontactDialog if ok button is insensitive
fixed bug 685387, search now includes organization
small cleanups
fixed bug 685058, interpreting "00" as "01" in vcard date. also, made NewcontactDialog show today's date by default
fixed bug 685523, searchbar emptied when import
fixed bug 685385 Dexter now uses a separator in the contact viewer instead of a frame in the contact viewer
fixed bug 686335, using spinners for day and year, setup search for month
now using a gtk spinbutton for the month selector also
using a gtk SpinButton for the year
made full_name a db column so it can be searched with LIKE
migrated the dbus search method to use the new fast SQL LIKE method
fixed bug 684509, we now use SQL LIKE for faster searches
made a testsearch method in the dbus api, to see if SQL LIKE offers greater performance
added a dbus method for creating a simple contact behind the scenes
fixed bug 685612, NewcontactDialog dbus method returns immediately
applied patch to make dbus method SearchContacts an array of strings
* Added a title for the new contact window * Centered the new contact/about/main windows
Launchpad automatic translations update.


View the full changelog

made pressing search clear button give focus back to contact list
fixed bug 686849, enter key does nothing in NewcontactDialog if ok button is insensitive
fixed bug 685387, search now includes organization
small cleanups
fixed bug 685058, interpreting "00" as "01" in vcard date. also, made NewcontactDialog show today's date by default
fixed bug 685523, searchbar emptied when import
fixed bug 685385 Dexter now uses a separator in the contact viewer instead of a frame in the contact viewer
fixed bug 686335, using spinners for day and year, setup search for month
now using a gtk spinbutton for the month selector also
using a gtk SpinButton for the year
made full_name a db column so it can be searched with LIKE
migrated the dbus search method to use the new fast SQL LIKE method
fixed bug 684509, we now use SQL LIKE for faster searches
made a testsearch method in the dbus api, to see if SQL LIKE offers greater performance
added a dbus method for creating a simple contact behind the scenes
fixed bug 685612, NewcontactDialog dbus method returns immediately
applied patch to make dbus method SearchContacts an array of strings
* Added a title for the new contact window * Centered the new contact/about/main windows
Launchpad automatic translations update.

0 blueprints and 9 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
685058 #685058 Could not import birthday message on console 3 High Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685523 #685523 Search not effective after import 3 High Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
686104 #686104 Autocomplete recipients in composer 3 High Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
684509 #684509 use SQL LIKE and wildcards for live search 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685612 #685612 Dbus: NewContactDialog hangs connection 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
686849 #686849 Pressing Enter should do nothing if "OK" is insensitive. 4 Medium Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685385 #685385 Use a separator in the contact viewer instead of a frame 5 Low Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
685387 #685387 Show results from searching for Organization 5 Low Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
686335 #686335 use comboentry instead of combobox for entering date 5 Low Allen Lowe  10 Fix Released
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