Change logs for ffrenzy source package in Wheezy

  • ffrenzy (1.0.2~svn20070530-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Upload to Debian unstable (close: #428256).
      * Updated package for current standards.
      * Added debian/watch file. 
      * debian/compat: switched to debhelper 7.
      * debian/control: 
        - Added Homepage and Vcs-* fields.
        - Removed cdbs depend; bumped debhelper depend to >= 7.
        - Removed python-central depend.
        - Bumped standards version to 3.9.3.
        - Added depend on ${misc:Depends} needed for debhelper 7.
        - Dropped depend on python-xmlbase; it's a part of every python2.X
          package now.
        - Added a depend on ttf-bitstream-vera.
      * debian/copyright: 
        - Updated to usse the Debian copyright format version 1.0.
        - Added file paragraphs for stuff under data/.
      * debian/dirs: added usr/games.
      * debian/ffrenzy-menu.6:  renamed from ffrenzy-menu.1; a game man page
        should be in section 6.
      * debian/ffrenzy.desktop: added desktop information.
      * debian/ffrenzy.svg, debian/ffrenzy.xpm: added icons.
      * debian/install: install icons and desktop file.
      * debian/links: link the Bitstream Vera font file from
      * debian/manpages: install the man pages. 
      * debian/menu: section should be "Games/Action".
      * debian/patches: added fix-ffrenzy-menu-path.patch to fix the path
        to the ffrenzy binary that is now in /usr/games.
      * debian/rules: 
        - Updated to use debhelper instead of CDBS (with python2).
        - Move ffrenzy-menu and ffrenzy to /usr/games.
        - Remove the upstream supplied Bistream Vera TTF file.
      * debian/source/format: set source format to 3.0 (quilt).
     -- Paul van Tilburg <email address hidden>  Fri, 15 Jun 2012 22:34:40 +0200